To the reader,
Please go to "older posts" begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.
..............4-PART SCRIPT...........
PART- #1. Right or Wrong
At one time The Three RRR'S meant:
Reading, Writing and Arithmatic!
Is'nt it just a little strange that The Three RRR'S did'nt even stand for
the correct words. Yeah right ; cause instead of The Three RRR's it
should have been RWA, which of course stands for:
Reading, Writing and Arithmatic; not Right Wing ASSociate!
There is the right, there is the left and of course there is the correct way.
I am not sure even after all this time, that "anyone really" knows the way.
We think we know the way and we say "your wrong" and then you say
"no your wrong" and though we both seem to have some understanding,
it seems there is not a solid base to stand on for either.
Consequently, we continue to argue, debate, fight and even go to war
with each other over our differences simply because of this confusion.
Please correct me if I am wrong; I thought this grouping of states we call:
The United States Of America was supposed to be founded on Democracy.
Democracy means to me, that a proposition , or a way is brought before
"the people" for evaluation, debate and a vote. "After" the vote, the vote
is counted and the "majority" of the votes either yeah or nay decides
whether the proposition or way is adopted into the social fabric or rejected.
I almost said, soundly rejected and then thought there have been at times
"sound" propositions or ways that have been rejected by the people!
Go figure!
If we are supposed to be a Democratic nation, then why is there
so much confusion?
Is the war in Iraq justified? Some say yes and some say no!
Who is correct?
Is any war justified? Some say yes and some say no!
The yes group most likely feels as I do, that if someone or a group of
somebodys decided what is mine should be theirs; such as my belongings,
my family, my way of life, or my freedom; then I would feel I have
the right to defend againast the "tyranny". Thus "justified"!
I believe this defensive action to be "honorable".
By the way, if you were my neighbor and you were in the "no justification"
for war group, I would defend you if you needed defence, cause thats
what neighbors are supposed to do; right? Some say yes and some say no!
Although I believe in peace and do desire peace, I realize the truth;
which is, there are definately those in the world who believe what is mine
should be theirs and what is yours should be theirs and make no mistake
about it, these will not hesitate to, by any means;
take ours and make it theirs.
So now that we have established "my personal view" on war, can we get
to the question which is; do I believe the war in Iraq is justified?
Answer: NO, NO, NO,etc.
Don't believe your lying eyes and ears!
Believe the fact, that there are not and were not any:
WMD's (Weapons Of Mass Destruction)!
Believe that the war in Iraq, called "Operation Iraqi Freedom" implies what?
That the Iraqi people needed liberation.
They indeed did need liberation, however did "they" want liberation
enough to "take it" and make it so?
No, "they" did not.
Why not?
Because they were weak with the fear of retribution from
their dictatorial leader Saddam Hussein, if "they" stood up against him
and his regieme. I do not fault theese people for their fear.
So there is two purported reasons for the war in Iraq:
One reason, which was suppossed to be "THE REASON" is;
The WMD"s which have yet to be found.
The second reason is, The Democratization of Iraq.
A free and democratic Iraq was according to the architects of this war;
was supposed to stabilize "the region".
Which of these two reasons is the real reason?
Which of these two reasons are "righteous reasons" for
the United States Of America to engage in a pre-emptive first strike war
against the soverign nation of Iraq?
I say neither of these reasons are or were righteous.
Self righteous perhaps, but most definately not righteous.
Even if Saddam Hussein"HAD WMD"s" (which he did not), and he hated
America (which he did); was this reason enough to initiate a
first strike scenario?
What if the Saddam Hussein attacked The United States?
Yes, kick his ass!
Though the people of Iraq were oppressed and fearful, I believe toppling
Saddam Hussein's regieme by aggression was not righteous or
for that matter legal.
So, I believe the War in Iraq is wrong, illegal and I believe the invitation
George W. (Long Shanks) Bush sent to the Angel Of Death to
come and party was fucked up!
PART #2. Were Winning
Now let me get this straight; even with the combined military Coalition forces
armed with U.S. Air support, including F-15s, F-16s, Wart Hogs,
Apache Helos, Commanche helos, Black Hawk helos, Abrahms tanks,
Armored Hummers, Bradley personel carriers, heavy artillery,
cruise missles, computer aided satelite surveilance and guidance systems,
Hellfire armed drone aircraft, etc. and with over 175,000 extremely
well trained, well nuourished troops and a 8 billion dollar a month war chest,
EVEN STILL; The War in Iraq has still claimed,
60 American soldiers lives,
120 Iraqi soldiers and police lives,
641 innocent Iraqi civilian lives, including men, women and children.
?# of the alleged enemies lives.
Wounded and severely maimed 513 American soldiers and
countless more civillians, not only physically but also spiritually.
Over 33,000 dead people = 28,000 gallons of blood
probally enough to fill your pool!
swimming anybody?
With a monetary price tag of $1,700,000,000.00
thats 1 Trillon 700 Billion dollars and counting.
All this from fighting an enemy that ;
has NO air support,
NO heavy tanks or artillery,
who use mini pickup trucks instead of armored Humvees,
whose primary weapons are 39mm assualt rifles and IED's mostly
made from ordinace that "the Coalition Forces" failed to secure!
Due to this "shamefull failure" if I was a corral full of
Donkeys and Elephants, I would be ashamed to eat my daily ration of
straw provided by their Corporate Warmonger Zoo Keepers, who seem
to absolutely love this war!
What is a Warmonger?
My definition; it is someone who believes war is "OK" and some how
reaps a reward from it.
What possible reward can come frow the waging of a war?
There is one reward that sticks out in my mind and this is;
MONEY and lots of it!
Of course we have all heard how "money is the root of all evil", but
check it out; it is not money that is the root of al evil, it is the
"love" of money" which is the root of all evil.
I am sure you've heard;
"if you want to find out who is the culprit of some scam, follow the money".
Show me the Money! Show me the $1,700,000,000.00
Who stands to gain from war?
Unfortunately the whole country in some way, mostly because war
drives the economy well; very well as a matter of fact.
Some people say war is "great" for the economy and they are
absolutely correct.
I personally, would prefer an economy driven by love and understanding
rather than by hate and confusion.
It is the war(s) that are presently keeping the U.S. afloat. Without these
wars, because of all of the other failures of The Bush Administration,
Our Magnaminous Congress (who sold us out) and The Corporate Giants
who now own us, the country would most likely fall flat on it's face.
Of course there are those in our society who more directly reap the
rewards and stand to gain much more than most from the building of
nations and the spilling of blood.
These are the Kings and Queens of the "profiteers"; those that
suck the cream from the "Governments tits" as if it were the
very elixir of life itself!
These and "their families" are quite secure, but by such a nasty means
to an end I would say.
Those who own so very much, seem to have so very little of
what is truly important. We must educate their children of this sadness.
I am sure you feel it is "these" who should be blamed and you are quite
right, for it is these , who for their selfishness and greed disease our
nations body and thus instigate this bloody diarrhea called war.
Unfortunately this does not wash clean our blood stained hands;
Where have all the Billions gone?
The next time you look at your bank statement, find where it states
the dollar amount balance. This may be where some of the
$1,700,000,000 is!
NO WAY. YES WAY and by the way, that beautiful home you own or
are purchasing; yep some of the billions may be in it and yes of course
that hot to go sporty car and the college fund for your sons and daughters
and the steak and lobster dinner you consumed last night and the boat
and the doctors bills and the hospital bills and the electricity and the
gasoline and the clothier and the taxes and the etc.!
Do you get my point?
With every war there is the theaters of the war, the players and the tools
of which there are the bullets, cases and powder for the small arms and
artillery; the bombs, rockets, mortars and grenades; and then there are
all of the delivery components such as ships, missiles, planes, trucks,
tanks, and trains, etc.; and then there is all of the manufacturing factories
necessary to create these marvels of destruction and their counter parts.
Then there is the materials and support systems like food, clothing, fuel
and communications equipment required; and on and on and.
Which domino are you? Which domino am I?
Am I contributing to your delinquency? Are you contributing to mine?
Tell the guy who makes the bombs the war is over and he is now
out of a job; yeah right!
He just might tell you someone needs to start a new war, cause
he needs his job to feed his family and you could bet good money he is
a good father, loves: his wife, his children, his community and his country.
He also would most likely tell you he is very patriotic and he might even
use that old cliche "love it or leave it"!
Explain to someone the company they work for is a war mongering
company and they will argue with you and say NO WAY, cause they
only make one small metal part; how could they be making a living on
war and then you tell them: that the small metal part just so happens
to be a key component for a trigger mechanizm for a cruise missle
launcher or some other ungodly weapon designed to do one specfic
thing, which is to kill.
I lived in a small bustling city on the Ohio, in West "by God" Virginia;
near another community that, oh by the way; did have a manufacturing
plant that made components for the M-14 rifle.
This piece delivers a 308 caliber bullet; one of the NATO rounds.
The M-14 is a great weapon, super accurate, and it kills well.
I wonder how many in that community realized this fact?
PART #3. "I didn't know"!
I can't believe how ignorant and naive I was in 1968.
What in the hell was wrong with me?
"Join the Navy and see the world"!
I not only took the offering but also the line, the hook and the pole
as well; the same pole I feel "they"royally screwed me with.
On my 18th birthday, I joined the U.S. Navy. It was 1968.
At the end of May I entered "boot camp" and after graduation I was
to become a jet mechanic and was placed on my first duty station;
an aircraft carrier.
On January 1st, 1969, at about 8:00AM, one of Americas prime warships,
The USS Kitty Hawk, CVA 63 departed San Diego for
The Gulf Of Tonkin and helped drop bombs on Viet Nam
(and who knows where else), all year long.
Tons and Tons of death and destruction.
These bombs of which my hands touched, indiscrimanantly killed:
the alleged enemy, the Viet Cong and also through "friendly fire",
they killed American soldiers, allied soldiers, and innocent civillian men,
women and children.
Even if I had never touched a single bomb, because of my participation
and support of "the almighty war machine", my hands would still be
stained red from "the blood of the dead"; but since I helped bring
these death devices on board, the shade of bright crimson shall
forever tint my vision.
Do I claim victimization? Absolutely!
Ms. Coulter;
Does this now mean my words should not be heard or even spoken?
Earlier I stated I believed I got "shafted" by joining the Navy. Nobody
made me join, this is true. There was a draft at the time, but this was not
my motivation either.
I truly believe it was the sense of adventure that was the main motivator
for my decision and as it was to others, the service was just a means
to an end.
What end? A vehichle to transport "us" out of the norm, you know;
breaking out to ourselves, leaving the old behind, experiencing the
new and unknown.
Nothing evil or malicious; we were just lost wanting to be found.
I was so blinded by the needs of "myself", I could not see the "reality"
of the times.
Some did know what was going on and thank God they stood up for and
spoke out loudly and proudly their convictions. I only wish I would have
seen and understood the reality of that time, cause I am sure knowing
what I know now, I most definately would not have swallowed the bait
and bait is exactly what it was and still is.
The U.S.Government baits it's most vulnerable citizens; it's youth and
economically challenged, to "join up" for cash, or a better job, or a better
future, or some promise; anything to get them to sign on the dotted line,
so they will have the power to either use or abuse; mostly abuse.
The Viet Nam war was definately abuse and so is the present and past
war in Iraq.
During the Viet Nam War, there was a peaceful movement calling for
a "revolution" and an end to the Great Debacle that I believe would have
eventually suceeded earlier had it not been for a group of anti-war activist
known as the "Weathermen". "Their" goal to end the senseless killing
was "undone" by their violence. It has been said that "their" organization
was infiltrated by some who brought on the violence; either way, the
violence played against the desired outcome.
Though The "Weathermen" had good intentions, the whole anti-war
movement was hindered by their violence.
The "Weathermen" were not the only distractions to the anti-war
movement; there was alsothe racial divide, civil rights, abortion,
the womens liberation movement, drugs, the sexual revolution and
the basic questioning of "The Establishment's" values and authority.
All of these and more needed to be addressed, but I believe these
might have worked against each other and may have been the
reason why the anti-war movement wasn't more timely, effectual
and successful.
They say "hind sight is 20/20"!
Looking back should reveal all of the mistakes and weaknesses of a
movemnent and this clarity of vision should be the means by which
future movements may prevail.
Do not cloud the issues that are priority, by opening another front.
This is the means by which the establishment causes confusion;
confusion causes failures.
If you do not wish to succeed, itwould be better for the movement
that you did not even participate and woe to the enemy of the
movement or the traitor to the movement.
I say woe and that may imply to the reader that some sort of
violent demise might fall upon the enemy of the movement or
the traitor of the movement; "believe it not", for the movement
should always be "non-violent".
However, I must confess that when I see film of
peaceful protesters getting the shit beat out of them by
heavily armed, heavily armored, club toting, badge wearing
herds of people acting more like domineering pigs; I get a
little anxous and upset.
And, I must also confess, that when I see one of these acosted
peaceful protesters "pushed beyond patients", then retalliate and
score a direct hit square on the nose of one of these beasts,
it makes me want to jump up and shout out;
Yeah, "give it to him", that dirty bastard deserves it.
insolence; arrogant, going beyond due bounds,
I know I would be wrong to engage in this activity and I know
I must remain strong and "not" give in to these drives or desires to
retaliate, however this is the "great dillema" we face:
"THEY" know we do not want to engage them and knowing this,
"some of them" who are beastly and dedicated to violence, will ; either
shoot or beat "some of us" to death anyway!
This is not a game; remember those at:
Kent State
Jackson State
Columbia University
Mexico city,
Tienaman Square.
No, of course I don't have all the answers, but I do know this:
If you think something is "not right", you should do something
about it; not only for your benefit but also for mine and that I
should do likewise for you.
If you believe and I believe the same and we stand together, then we
are twice the adversary; if you have a friend and I have a friend that
also belive as you and I, then we are four and then more and then
many more, untill we are a great multitude standing together in
unity speaking up, speaking out and speaking on
for whatever the need in harmony.
The Viet Nam anti-war protest was righteous in it's core and
I believe we need to get back to the righteousness of that day.
This War in Iraq, is wrong and make no mistake about it;
this war is not only nother Viet Nam, it is worse!
Musicians, Artists, Poets, Writers, Directors, Comedians and
All Peaceful People; do you see and understand this plight?
Stand up for all that is good and proper, this may be our last chance
to defend humanity.
This scribble of words are my honest, sincere and heartfelt opinions,
openly voiced to offer my vote of NO CONFIDENCE and NAY to:
The War called' Operation Iraqi Freedom" and all injustices.
How can something that was wrong from it's inception, ever be proper?
If you step in EVEPLEBEODIOUS, do you wash clean the shoe
or carry the stench with you?
4 DEAD IN OHIO / MAY 4TH, 1970
It's like this people; you gotta keep your kids in line.
It's not our problem that we killed 4 more of your children.
So what, after all, by this date we already killed over 40,000
of your precious ones; whats four more going to hurt.
Please understand, "it's nothing personal", why hell;
we didn't even know your kids and besides that;
every one knows that war is good for the economy, right!
We can't help it if we are good at what we do;
not every one knows how to kill well.
I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
11. BLACK MORNINGS (a song)
To the reader;
Please go to"older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS then sequentially #2.,
then #3., etc.
Dear Canadians,
It is because of this:
Canada wants US war resisters to stay
• Paul Copeland
• guardian.co.uk,
Wednesday 29 September 2010 16.38 BST
• Article history
The case for Bill C-440, a seven-minute video on
the campaign to let US Iraq war resisters stay in Canada.
Video: WarResistersCanada
Based on:
US President Barack Obama's
31 August pronouncement and the uncritical TV news
coverage of it, it might be reasonable to believe that the
Iraq war is over.
The frustrating truth, however, is that for the Iraqi people,
for American soldiers who continue to be deployed to Iraq,
and for those US soldiers who refused to take part in the war
and sought refuge in Canada, the facts are very different.
Tom Kent,
the Associated Press's deputy managing
editorfor standards and production, explained it best
in a memo to the journalists working for his internationally
respected news organization earlier this month:
Bill C-440 is before parliament to legislate what most
Canadians approve: sanctuary for US soldiers who object
to the Iraq war
On Wednesday, Bill C-440 – an act to amend the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resisters) –
will be voted on at second reading.
If passed, it will give the force of law to parliament's clear
direction and effect to the will of the majority of Canadians
that accepting Iraq war resisters is the right thing to do.
11. BLACK MORNINGS (a sad song)
Vocal / Violin / Cello / Kettle Drum (heartbeat) / French Horn
Dark devastating stories told...in the Bahgdad morning; (Kabul)
Down kneeling in black...many mothers in mourning.
You came...you killed... you took away; boom boom
great sorrow and darkness...suffer they. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Fallouja morning; (Qandahar)
Souls screaming sad songs...wailings of mourning.
You came...you killed...you took away; boom boom
the bill to great...for them to pay. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Basra morning; (Marz-e Sharif)
Swollen cheeks wet with tears...eyes sore from their mourning.
You came...you killed...you yook away; boom boom
their blood to spill...your only way. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Sidon morning; (Jalalabad)
grief, anger, pain and hate...cold pressed by their mourning.
You came... you killed...you took away; boom boom
their peace and joy...denied this day. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Tire morning; (Charikar)
lonely broken hearts...deep in the hole of mourning.
You came...you killed...you took away; boom boom
in the grave their children...do they lay. boom boom, boom boom
Devastating stories told...of the breach of Earth's good morning;
theres so very many wounded...and Oh so many mourning.
You came... you killed...you took away. boom boom
Great sorrow and darkness...suffer they. boom boom
The bill to great...for them to pay. boom boom
Their blood to spill...your only way. boom boom
Their peace and joy...denied this day. boom boom
In the grave their chil...dren...do...they...lay. boom boom,
boom boom, boom boom
You came...you killed...you took away. boom boom
We hope someday...you'll change your way. boom boom
For your forgiveness...we must now pray, must we now pray,
now we must pray. boom boom, boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...of the breach of Earth's...
good morning. boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, fade out
FranCisco d Nostromo
The names of any other war torn cities can be placed in this song!
The "greatest mistake", was the:
"RUN & CUT" Afghan and Iraq War policy;
which was contrived by, installed by, and initiated by:
Preident, George W. (Long Shanks) Bush,
Vice President Dick Cheney,
Their Administration, along with the full support of
a great flock of war hawks, which even now continues
through and by the now presiding impostor president:
Barrack Hussein Obama(AKA Barry Soetoro) and
his administration.
"If" these wars are illegitimate, this reality "must be" confronted
for what "it is" and a healing to all the wounds should be
implemented immediately with the proper remedial medications.
It is "critical" that any and all remedial procedures; up to and
including amputation of the "infected parts", be considered
to ensure a quick and positive effect to "the healing" process,
before the rot of gangrene sets in and delivers this body(America)
to the grave....
The ointments of "ATONEMENT" and "FORGIVENESS"
need to be applied copiously.
My heart is sorely afflicted and full of the puss of injustice.
So say "the people"? Can I get an amen?
Come hear @
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I am a bearer of bad news.
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
To the reader;
Please go to"older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS then sequentially #2.,
then #3., etc.
Dear Canadians,
It is because of this:
Canada wants US war resisters to stay
• Paul Copeland
• guardian.co.uk,
Wednesday 29 September 2010 16.38 BST
• Article history
The case for Bill C-440, a seven-minute video on
the campaign to let US Iraq war resisters stay in Canada.
Video: WarResistersCanada
Based on:
US President Barack Obama's
31 August pronouncement and the uncritical TV news
coverage of it, it might be reasonable to believe that the
Iraq war is over.
The frustrating truth, however, is that for the Iraqi people,
for American soldiers who continue to be deployed to Iraq,
and for those US soldiers who refused to take part in the war
and sought refuge in Canada, the facts are very different.
Tom Kent,
the Associated Press's deputy managing
editorfor standards and production, explained it best
in a memo to the journalists working for his internationally
respected news organization earlier this month:
Bill C-440 is before parliament to legislate what most
Canadians approve: sanctuary for US soldiers who object
to the Iraq war
On Wednesday, Bill C-440 – an act to amend the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (war resisters) –
will be voted on at second reading.
If passed, it will give the force of law to parliament's clear
direction and effect to the will of the majority of Canadians
that accepting Iraq war resisters is the right thing to do.
11. BLACK MORNINGS (a sad song)
Vocal / Violin / Cello / Kettle Drum (heartbeat) / French Horn
Dark devastating stories told...in the Bahgdad morning; (Kabul)
Down kneeling in black...many mothers in mourning.
You came...you killed... you took away; boom boom
great sorrow and darkness...suffer they. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Fallouja morning; (Qandahar)
Souls screaming sad songs...wailings of mourning.
You came...you killed...you took away; boom boom
the bill to great...for them to pay. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Basra morning; (Marz-e Sharif)
Swollen cheeks wet with tears...eyes sore from their mourning.
You came...you killed...you yook away; boom boom
their blood to spill...your only way. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Sidon morning; (Jalalabad)
grief, anger, pain and hate...cold pressed by their mourning.
You came... you killed...you took away; boom boom
their peace and joy...denied this day. boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...in the Tire morning; (Charikar)
lonely broken hearts...deep in the hole of mourning.
You came...you killed...you took away; boom boom
in the grave their children...do they lay. boom boom, boom boom
Devastating stories told...of the breach of Earth's good morning;
theres so very many wounded...and Oh so many mourning.
You came... you killed...you took away. boom boom
Great sorrow and darkness...suffer they. boom boom
The bill to great...for them to pay. boom boom
Their blood to spill...your only way. boom boom
Their peace and joy...denied this day. boom boom
In the grave their chil...dren...do...they...lay. boom boom,
boom boom, boom boom
You came...you killed...you took away. boom boom
We hope someday...you'll change your way. boom boom
For your forgiveness...we must now pray, must we now pray,
now we must pray. boom boom, boom boom, boom boom
Dark devastating stories told...of the breach of Earth's...
good morning. boom boom, boom boom, boom boom, fade out
FranCisco d Nostromo
The names of any other war torn cities can be placed in this song!
The "greatest mistake", was the:
"RUN & CUT" Afghan and Iraq War policy;
which was contrived by, installed by, and initiated by:
Preident, George W. (Long Shanks) Bush,
Vice President Dick Cheney,
Their Administration, along with the full support of
a great flock of war hawks, which even now continues
through and by the now presiding impostor president:
Barrack Hussein Obama(AKA Barry Soetoro) and
his administration.
"If" these wars are illegitimate, this reality "must be" confronted
for what "it is" and a healing to all the wounds should be
implemented immediately with the proper remedial medications.
It is "critical" that any and all remedial procedures; up to and
including amputation of the "infected parts", be considered
to ensure a quick and positive effect to "the healing" process,
before the rot of gangrene sets in and delivers this body(America)
to the grave....
The ointments of "ATONEMENT" and "FORGIVENESS"
need to be applied copiously.
My heart is sorely afflicted and full of the puss of injustice.
So say "the people"? Can I get an amen?
Come hear @
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I am a bearer of bad news.
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
Monday, December 22, 2008
to the READER;
Please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then continue in numerical sequece.
Thank you.
.....part 1. A SONG / part 2. VIDEO....
part 1. song
Two more down,
two more gone,
two more taken
and you say you've won.
Oh at what cost;
did you win the battle?
Oh at what cost;
was it worth the lost?
Two more down,
two more out,
two more lost souls,
such a deep dark hole.
Oh at what cost;
did you win the war?
Oh at what cost;
was it worth the horror?
I don't know
how many more,
will die from fighting
this unjust war;
but as of today,
so I've been told,
two who were once lively........
and warm
now lie still and cold.
Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone.....Two has become none
Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone, and you say you've won.
Oh at what cost....did you win the battle?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the loss?
Oh at what cost....did you win the war?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the horror?
I don't know
how many more
will die from fighting
this crazy war;
but as of today
so I've been told
two who once were lively........
and warm
now lie still..........and.........cold.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
This song was written when the American military death toll
was at 1,000; due to the War in Iraq know as;
"Operation Iraqi Freedom"!
Yesterday the American military death toll was 4,209!
The civilian death toll is said to be well over 650,000!
...................FranCisco d Nostromo................
....................................VIDEO ASPECT.......................
To be computer animated
1. U.S. Marine Honor Gaurd (dress uniform)
Howitzer 21 Gun Salute Detail
2. Master At Arms audibly prepares 1st round, commands fire;
2nd round, commands fire; 3rd round etc.
3. As rounds expend, camera pans to funeral burial ceremony scene.
4. There is much sorrow and grief.
5. As Howitzer blasts quicken; scene shifts to:
a U.S. Humvee convoy traveling through downtown Bahgdad.
6. Scene shifts to inside Humvee.
Conversation between 3 soldiers in Humvee, subject:
what they are going to do when they get back home.
7. At 20th Howitzer blast, scene again shifts to;
viewing Humvee as it rolls down the road.
8. At 21st and final blast of the Howitzer's 21 Gun Salute;
an IED (improvised explosive device) detonates as the
subject Humvee precisely meets and passes the IED.
9. Darkness (on screen) Pause
10. The the horror of war is exposed ie;
destruction, confusion, screams, fire, smoke, blood and death.
11. Audible: "medovac, medovac; I've got two down".
12. Song vocal and music commences.
13. Medovac helo enters the scene.
14. Helo loads, departs, arrives at Med Post;
unloads two DOA's (dead on arrivals), both died inflight enroute.
15. Scene shifts to post death to Flag draped casket off loading from
C5A tail ramp at Air Force Base.
"How damn dare you censor the devils dirty deeds Mr. President"?
........................George W. (Long Shanks) Bush.....................
16. Each Flag draped casget is borne by 6 pall bearers.
17. Preceeding "each" flag draped casket are:
A Drum Major with baton, followed by a 6 foot interval and then by;
A Snare Drummer and a Bag Piper abreast then by;
a 6 foot interval and then by:
The 6 pall bearers and the Flag draped casket, then by;
a 6 foot interval where the next entourage of the fallen begins anew.
18. The Drum Major, drummer, piper, and pall bearers are skeletons;
wearing Viet Nam camoflauge fatique uniforms.
19. Scene shifts to the gate of The White House.
20. "The March Home" procession begins at The White House gate.
21. The "freshly unloaded caskets" with their skeletonized entourage,
take their part and enter at the rear of the very long procession.
22. The skeletonized entourage members morph into:
flesh and blood humans; now in full military dress attire with:
Viet Nam Conflict Medals pinned upon the breast of each one.
23. The procession of over 4,000 Flag draped caskets with
their entourage members passes down Pennsyvannia Avenue.
24. From Pennsylvannia Avenue, the procession passes to;
old route 40, the 1st "National Road", heading west.
25. The procession is over 15 miles long!
26. Overview shall be depicted on road map of:
Washington, DC. and full U.S. map.
27. On each side of Pennsylvania Ave and "The National Road" are;
lines of spectators.
28. These spectators are saluting skeletons, dressed in Viet nam era
uniforms. ( U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Gaurd)
29. The spectators are part of the over 58,000 American military
personel killed as a result of The Viet Nam War. (conflict)
30. At the end of each of the spectator rows, the end 9 of the spectators,
will disapear and then reappear as "new" entourage members.
1 Drum Major, 1 drummer, 1 piper, 6 pall bearers = 9
9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen due to "Operation Iraqi Freedom"!
31. Each of these 9 new entourage members will commence their duty
departing the C5A.
32. As the scene shifts to the lead casket and entourage of the procession,
the lead casket with it's entourage will fast forward on beat to the
designated town or city of burial on the overview U.S. map.
33. The map will be marked by many sites who have already
received their fallen.
34. The entourage will deliver the casket to the video openig;
the grave sight ceremony thereby completing the cycle of respect.
35. The image of the entourage members will then dissipate back
into infamy and rest, their respectful duty completed.
36. Video / post script roll over U.S. map with over
4,000s of flag draped caskets:
was written when there were 1,000 American soldiers
killed from The War known as "Operation Iraqi Freedom".
At present, the death toll is at 4,209 and steadily rising.
Over 25,000 American soldiers minds, bodies and spirits are
wounded; many horribly and permanetly maimed.
The suicidal death toll of many American soldiers returning from
this war is extremely and unusually high in numbers.
The death toll of wounded and killed of "The Alliance Forces" and
the alleged enemy are also high and as weighty of a burden on the
hearts of "their" loved ones.
The death toll of innocent men, women and children is
well over 100,000 and some say as much as 650,000 if not more.
The river of tears for these will never run dry.
The loved ones and friends of these many dead and wounded
have been sent a terrible message of "shock and awe", that will
forever plauqe their spirits and hinder their peace
A crhonology: American soldiers fallen (Asf)
10/20/06 - 2.12 deaths per day (dpd)
01/28/07 - 3,070 Asf divided by 1,411 days of war = 2.18 dpd
03/18/07 - 3,210 Asf divided by 1,460 days of war = 2.19 dpd
hence the Title; TWO MORE DOWN / TWO MORE GONE
Which two will it be today and which two will it be tommorrow?
Drum Major, 1ft + 6ft interval +
Drummer and Piper, 1ft + 6ft interval +
casket @7ft +6ft interval = 27ft total length of 1 entourage
27ft x 4,209 fallen = 113,643ft divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = 21.5 miles
21.5 mile long procession
9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen x 4,209 fallen =
37,881 entourage members
58,000 fallen soldiers of The Viet Nam War (conflict)
58,000 - 37,881 entourage members = 21,000 spectators left
21,000 divided by 2 = 10,500 spectators per side of procession
3ft width per spectator + 2ft interval = 5ft x 10,500 = 52,500ft
52,500 divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = a tad less than 10 miles long
spectator line length 10 miles.
Blood; 7 pints x 16 ounces = 112 ounces per person
American: 4,209 dead x 112 ounces = 471,408 ounces
471,408 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1gallon) = 3,680 gallons
approximately 1-standard gasoline tanker truck 1/2 full
Iraqi: civillian men, women and children 650,000 dead
650,000 x 112 ounces = 72,800,00 ounces
72,800,000 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1 gallon) = 568,000
approximately 567 standard gasoline tanker trucks full
60ft tanker length x 567 tankers = 34,020 divided by 5,280ft =
blood tanker to blood tanker line = 6.5 miles long
Puts a new twist on blood line does'nt it!
As I said; CARRY ON
I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
At yesterdays writing I added the suicidal script to the post script.
Last night I called a friend to say hello and I heard this message:
This is Cliff S...., this is my last message.
On November 20th, I took my own life.
That was all I heard. I thought it was some kind of prank my
witty friend was pulling, but in my heart I worried.
I then called another whom was also a friend to this wonderful
person named Cliff and left a message asking him whats up and
that I was worried about Cliff.
I then, within five minutes received a call back and was told
Cliff had been dead for the past 20 days.
Of course I was crushed. Suicide not only kills the one who takes
their own life, it also kills the future of those they leave behind.
So please, to those of you who are considering taking your own life;
consider even more; the spirit of those who love and care about you.
My friend Cliff was not a soldier or even involved with this ugly and
unjust war; he was just a very unhappy and lonely man.
Please, help make someone happy.
Goodbye Cliff
to the READER;
Please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then continue in numerical sequece.
Thank you.
.....part 1. A SONG / part 2. VIDEO....
part 1. song
Two more down,
two more gone,
two more taken
and you say you've won.
Oh at what cost;
did you win the battle?
Oh at what cost;
was it worth the lost?
Two more down,
two more out,
two more lost souls,
such a deep dark hole.
Oh at what cost;
did you win the war?
Oh at what cost;
was it worth the horror?
I don't know
how many more,
will die from fighting
this unjust war;
but as of today,
so I've been told,
two who were once lively........
and warm
now lie still and cold.
Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone.....Two has become none
Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone, and you say you've won.
Oh at what cost....did you win the battle?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the loss?
Oh at what cost....did you win the war?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the horror?
I don't know
how many more
will die from fighting
this crazy war;
but as of today
so I've been told
two who once were lively........
and warm
now lie still..........and.........cold.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.
This song was written when the American military death toll
was at 1,000; due to the War in Iraq know as;
"Operation Iraqi Freedom"!
Yesterday the American military death toll was 4,209!
The civilian death toll is said to be well over 650,000!
...................FranCisco d Nostromo................
....................................VIDEO ASPECT.......................
To be computer animated
1. U.S. Marine Honor Gaurd (dress uniform)
Howitzer 21 Gun Salute Detail
2. Master At Arms audibly prepares 1st round, commands fire;
2nd round, commands fire; 3rd round etc.
3. As rounds expend, camera pans to funeral burial ceremony scene.
4. There is much sorrow and grief.
5. As Howitzer blasts quicken; scene shifts to:
a U.S. Humvee convoy traveling through downtown Bahgdad.
6. Scene shifts to inside Humvee.
Conversation between 3 soldiers in Humvee, subject:
what they are going to do when they get back home.
7. At 20th Howitzer blast, scene again shifts to;
viewing Humvee as it rolls down the road.
8. At 21st and final blast of the Howitzer's 21 Gun Salute;
an IED (improvised explosive device) detonates as the
subject Humvee precisely meets and passes the IED.
9. Darkness (on screen) Pause
10. The the horror of war is exposed ie;
destruction, confusion, screams, fire, smoke, blood and death.
11. Audible: "medovac, medovac; I've got two down".
12. Song vocal and music commences.
13. Medovac helo enters the scene.
14. Helo loads, departs, arrives at Med Post;
unloads two DOA's (dead on arrivals), both died inflight enroute.
15. Scene shifts to post death to Flag draped casket off loading from
C5A tail ramp at Air Force Base.
"How damn dare you censor the devils dirty deeds Mr. President"?
........................George W. (Long Shanks) Bush.....................
16. Each Flag draped casget is borne by 6 pall bearers.
17. Preceeding "each" flag draped casket are:
A Drum Major with baton, followed by a 6 foot interval and then by;
A Snare Drummer and a Bag Piper abreast then by;
a 6 foot interval and then by:
The 6 pall bearers and the Flag draped casket, then by;
a 6 foot interval where the next entourage of the fallen begins anew.
18. The Drum Major, drummer, piper, and pall bearers are skeletons;
wearing Viet Nam camoflauge fatique uniforms.
19. Scene shifts to the gate of The White House.
20. "The March Home" procession begins at The White House gate.
21. The "freshly unloaded caskets" with their skeletonized entourage,
take their part and enter at the rear of the very long procession.
22. The skeletonized entourage members morph into:
flesh and blood humans; now in full military dress attire with:
Viet Nam Conflict Medals pinned upon the breast of each one.
23. The procession of over 4,000 Flag draped caskets with
their entourage members passes down Pennsyvannia Avenue.
24. From Pennsylvannia Avenue, the procession passes to;
old route 40, the 1st "National Road", heading west.
25. The procession is over 15 miles long!
26. Overview shall be depicted on road map of:
Washington, DC. and full U.S. map.
27. On each side of Pennsylvania Ave and "The National Road" are;
lines of spectators.
28. These spectators are saluting skeletons, dressed in Viet nam era
uniforms. ( U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Gaurd)
29. The spectators are part of the over 58,000 American military
personel killed as a result of The Viet Nam War. (conflict)
30. At the end of each of the spectator rows, the end 9 of the spectators,
will disapear and then reappear as "new" entourage members.
1 Drum Major, 1 drummer, 1 piper, 6 pall bearers = 9
9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen due to "Operation Iraqi Freedom"!
31. Each of these 9 new entourage members will commence their duty
departing the C5A.
32. As the scene shifts to the lead casket and entourage of the procession,
the lead casket with it's entourage will fast forward on beat to the
designated town or city of burial on the overview U.S. map.
33. The map will be marked by many sites who have already
received their fallen.
34. The entourage will deliver the casket to the video openig;
the grave sight ceremony thereby completing the cycle of respect.
35. The image of the entourage members will then dissipate back
into infamy and rest, their respectful duty completed.
36. Video / post script roll over U.S. map with over
4,000s of flag draped caskets:
was written when there were 1,000 American soldiers
killed from The War known as "Operation Iraqi Freedom".
At present, the death toll is at 4,209 and steadily rising.
Over 25,000 American soldiers minds, bodies and spirits are
wounded; many horribly and permanetly maimed.
The suicidal death toll of many American soldiers returning from
this war is extremely and unusually high in numbers.
The death toll of wounded and killed of "The Alliance Forces" and
the alleged enemy are also high and as weighty of a burden on the
hearts of "their" loved ones.
The death toll of innocent men, women and children is
well over 100,000 and some say as much as 650,000 if not more.
The river of tears for these will never run dry.
The loved ones and friends of these many dead and wounded
have been sent a terrible message of "shock and awe", that will
forever plauqe their spirits and hinder their peace
A crhonology: American soldiers fallen (Asf)
10/20/06 - 2.12 deaths per day (dpd)
01/28/07 - 3,070 Asf divided by 1,411 days of war = 2.18 dpd
03/18/07 - 3,210 Asf divided by 1,460 days of war = 2.19 dpd
hence the Title; TWO MORE DOWN / TWO MORE GONE
Which two will it be today and which two will it be tommorrow?
Drum Major, 1ft + 6ft interval +
Drummer and Piper, 1ft + 6ft interval +
casket @7ft +6ft interval = 27ft total length of 1 entourage
27ft x 4,209 fallen = 113,643ft divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = 21.5 miles
21.5 mile long procession
9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen x 4,209 fallen =
37,881 entourage members
58,000 fallen soldiers of The Viet Nam War (conflict)
58,000 - 37,881 entourage members = 21,000 spectators left
21,000 divided by 2 = 10,500 spectators per side of procession
3ft width per spectator + 2ft interval = 5ft x 10,500 = 52,500ft
52,500 divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = a tad less than 10 miles long
spectator line length 10 miles.
Blood; 7 pints x 16 ounces = 112 ounces per person
American: 4,209 dead x 112 ounces = 471,408 ounces
471,408 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1gallon) = 3,680 gallons
approximately 1-standard gasoline tanker truck 1/2 full
Iraqi: civillian men, women and children 650,000 dead
650,000 x 112 ounces = 72,800,00 ounces
72,800,000 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1 gallon) = 568,000
approximately 567 standard gasoline tanker trucks full
60ft tanker length x 567 tankers = 34,020 divided by 5,280ft =
blood tanker to blood tanker line = 6.5 miles long
Puts a new twist on blood line does'nt it!
As I said; CARRY ON
I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
At yesterdays writing I added the suicidal script to the post script.
Last night I called a friend to say hello and I heard this message:
This is Cliff S...., this is my last message.
On November 20th, I took my own life.
That was all I heard. I thought it was some kind of prank my
witty friend was pulling, but in my heart I worried.
I then called another whom was also a friend to this wonderful
person named Cliff and left a message asking him whats up and
that I was worried about Cliff.
I then, within five minutes received a call back and was told
Cliff had been dead for the past 20 days.
Of course I was crushed. Suicide not only kills the one who takes
their own life, it also kills the future of those they leave behind.
So please, to those of you who are considering taking your own life;
consider even more; the spirit of those who love and care about you.
My friend Cliff was not a soldier or even involved with this ugly and
unjust war; he was just a very unhappy and lonely man.
Please, help make someone happy.
Goodbye Cliff
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
To the reader,
please go to "older posts"and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS; then sequentially with
Thank you. FCdN
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
To the reader,
please go to "older posts"and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS; then sequentially with
Thank you. FCdN
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
POST 03/19/03
The Flag Of The United States Of America,
the very symbol of the cause;
should never touch the ground or be disrespected.
The cause is righteousness, the basis of freedom.
The flag of America;
this symbol known throughout the world,
though dearly loved, it is also bitterly hated.
Therefore, as an American,
"I" am loved and hated!
It is the righteousness;
that the people of the world loved and respected.
are not the authors of this righteousness;
"WE" are only the benefactors,
it is up to us to share it with each other.
To me the flag always meant;
that "WE" would never be the aggressor,
that "WE" would always be a defender.
The "pre-emptive strike"
on the sovereign nation of Iraq,
was an aggressive act militarily and
an aggressive act against not only "my beliefs",
but also against the beliefs of "Our Founding Fathers".
Many of us as citizens are quite skeptical
of "OUR" governments activities;
how much more so is the rest of the world?
Some of us as citizens fight to protect
our constitutional values from being corrupted;
but many American citizens
do nothing to promote our creed,
or for that matter their very "own" rights!
It is "these";
who when gathered together form great multitudes.
It is also "these";
who by not taking a stand
unduly burden the rest.
Those of the world who loved America,
loved her for "HER" precepts of freedom.
By becoming the first strike aggressor,
the world has lost faith in America and therefore
lost faith in us as American citizens,
believing that all of us are aggressors.
All aspects of vital importance,
including the "real"
gravity and depth of the potential threat;
should have been defined and shared with
"WE" deserve as much from "OUR" government...
An open national debate should have preceded
a special national vote of the people,
to determine and profess,
a true consensus of opinion and desire.
the checks and balance system
of "OUR" government.
"WE THE PEOPLE" are the "responsible parties";
if "WE" accept the "glory",
shall "WE" not;
also be obligated to accept the "blame"?
The refusal of "a government" / "any government",
to convey to it's people the complete agenda,
is in itself an act of deception.
Deception breeds distrust and skepticism;
skepticism breeds contempt; contempt breeds dissent;
dissent breeds rebellion;
rebellion breeds revolution and violence;
violence breeds blood shed; and as we all know,
bloodshed breeds flies;
millions of them and their maggots
feed on the flesh of both;
the innocent and the guilty,
the just and the unjust.
If it is an"offence"
to drag America's flag on the ground;
how much greater is the offence,
now that
"HER" precious red, white and blue gown
has been put through the shredder and
"SHE" now lies naked and bruised,
in the sight of all mankind.
If "OUR" nation "is" or "was" ever in
"grave danger",
"WE" should "fight the good fight"
to the death.
In the stead;
By "giving up" on "OUR" BELIEFS AND STANDARDS,
"WE" have committed "suicide.
Give "US" the TRUTH
that enables "US" to make sound decisions.
To say you have the right to do,
does not make what you do right.
"To differ in opinion is our right,
To differ from the truth is our fault"
"NOT" your most perfect or patriotic citizen
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
POST 03/19/03
The Flag Of The United States Of America,
the very symbol of the cause;
should never touch the ground or be disrespected.
The cause is righteousness, the basis of freedom.
The flag of America;
this symbol known throughout the world,
though dearly loved, it is also bitterly hated.
Therefore, as an American,
"I" am loved and hated!
It is the righteousness;
that the people of the world loved and respected.
are not the authors of this righteousness;
"WE" are only the benefactors,
it is up to us to share it with each other.
To me the flag always meant;
that "WE" would never be the aggressor,
that "WE" would always be a defender.
The "pre-emptive strike"
on the sovereign nation of Iraq,
was an aggressive act militarily and
an aggressive act against not only "my beliefs",
but also against the beliefs of "Our Founding Fathers".
Many of us as citizens are quite skeptical
of "OUR" governments activities;
how much more so is the rest of the world?
Some of us as citizens fight to protect
our constitutional values from being corrupted;
but many American citizens
do nothing to promote our creed,
or for that matter their very "own" rights!
It is "these";
who when gathered together form great multitudes.
It is also "these";
who by not taking a stand
unduly burden the rest.
Those of the world who loved America,
loved her for "HER" precepts of freedom.
By becoming the first strike aggressor,
the world has lost faith in America and therefore
lost faith in us as American citizens,
believing that all of us are aggressors.
All aspects of vital importance,
including the "real"
gravity and depth of the potential threat;
should have been defined and shared with
"WE" deserve as much from "OUR" government...
An open national debate should have preceded
a special national vote of the people,
to determine and profess,
a true consensus of opinion and desire.
the checks and balance system
of "OUR" government.
"WE THE PEOPLE" are the "responsible parties";
if "WE" accept the "glory",
shall "WE" not;
also be obligated to accept the "blame"?
The refusal of "a government" / "any government",
to convey to it's people the complete agenda,
is in itself an act of deception.
Deception breeds distrust and skepticism;
skepticism breeds contempt; contempt breeds dissent;
dissent breeds rebellion;
rebellion breeds revolution and violence;
violence breeds blood shed; and as we all know,
bloodshed breeds flies;
millions of them and their maggots
feed on the flesh of both;
the innocent and the guilty,
the just and the unjust.
If it is an"offence"
to drag America's flag on the ground;
how much greater is the offence,
now that
"HER" precious red, white and blue gown
has been put through the shredder and
"SHE" now lies naked and bruised,
in the sight of all mankind.
If "OUR" nation "is" or "was" ever in
"grave danger",
"WE" should "fight the good fight"
to the death.
In the stead;
By "giving up" on "OUR" BELIEFS AND STANDARDS,
"WE" have committed "suicide.
Give "US" the TRUTH
that enables "US" to make sound decisions.
To say you have the right to do,
does not make what you do right.
"To differ in opinion is our right,
To differ from the truth is our fault"
"NOT" your most perfect or patriotic citizen
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
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