Saturday, January 31, 2009


To the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially #2., #3., etc.


Electronic balloting, especially without a reliable paper trail;
it's just plain wrong!


#1. Unreliable
#2. Fraud through tampering
#3. Cost:
..............A. Programming
...............B. Maintenance
#4. No paper trail (receipt):
...........................................A. No way to track fraud
............................................B. No reliable way to accomplish recount

Of all the problems facing the electronic balloting without a
reliable paper trail method is:
#4. B. No reliable way to accomplish recount.

This (#4. B.) is absolutely the most important and significant reasons to
dump electronic voting without a paper trail.


If one is on the ballot and looses the election, this person has the right to
call for a recount. If there is no reliable way to accomplish the recount
because of no tangible paper trail able to be physically scrutinized for "any"
imperfections, up to and including "visible signs of alteration" and or
misprinting of "any nature", then it would appear that this "lack of evidence",
may, could or would disable the recount and in essence would
infringe on the right to a reliable recount.

If one cannot accomplish a reliable recount, then tracking fraud would seem
as impossible.

The second best reason to dump electronic voting is:
#3. Cost
A. Programing and
B. Maintenance

As I understand electronic voting;
A. - the systems can only be programmed by the company that sells
the machines, which "may" allow some intrusion or subversion to
the voting process. In other pure and simple words, voting fraud!

B. - the actual dollar amount to program and maintain the machines is
at this time exorbitant and with the progression of time, expected to
increase not decrease!

Add the possibility of The People being at the mercy of a single
supplier/contractor, the state tax payers may find themselves in the
proverbial "bend over position".


As it is, the cost for voting is already high and every effort should
be made to not only keep the cost low, but also keep the hungry lips
of those who want to suck the governments tits dry at bay.

If the electronic system has a check and balance , is fraud proof, has a
tangible paper trail (receipt) and is economical in operation go for it;
if not flee from it!

Why complicate the simple issue with stupid assertions or desires of
those who wish to subvert and corrupt that which is sound or good.

Those in the business of subverting that which is sound or good should
take heed and be aware of the fact, that playing with fire will
get them burnt.

Remember Bastille Day! Oops I'm sorry, wrong country.

No I'm not; that's just pure Eveplebeodious on my part!

The truth is, when the people of France finally had enough, "they" did
something about it.

Although I DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE, it took a lot of balls for the
French people to stand up and set things straight; this from a people who
are said to not have any balls!

Actually it is the people of this country, the good old USA that don't
seem to have any balls; how else can anyone explain why the citizens of

Well I am sorry again; I might be wrong about you not having any balls!
There really are some other reasons why Americans put up with

Some other reasons why these people put up with SO MUCH SHIT are:

You may have noticed, I keep saying governments implying pluralism and
this is true to a point!

In essenence what I am trying to say is; this country,
The United States Of America is really NOT UNITED!

In fact, this country may probally be the most divisive nation on earth.
We have so many different governments and rules of law, that we must
certainly be the must complex nation on earth to say the least.

Example: I live here and I want this certain rule of law, so I help this
certain rule of law or proposition become law with my vote.

I now move to a completely different area in the country or state. I now,
no longer have the benefit of this law that I helped get passed as a
security device or whatever the reason I thought I needed this law.

The people who now move to where I was, now have this law that they
have to abide by even though they would have voted against it,
if they had the choice; and guess what, coincidentally I just moved to
where they just moved from and yeppers;
I don't like the laws that they helped to pass!

Because we Americans are so fluid and move so very often, we are
completely at the mercy of chaos when it comes to OBEYING THE LAW.
This process goes on and on, over and over.




No I am not French, but since were on this subject:
WHERE did "The Lady In The Bay" come from and
WHAT country gifted her to America and WHY?

One more question;
How well has the U.S. economy and certain Corporate Giants prospered
on the lowly French Fry?! (Freedom Fry's, yeah right)

"The French have no balls".

Maybe France is just a nation of peace loving people. I would hope so.


I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


To the reader, please go to "older posts",and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially #2., #3., etc.


represent - bring back, bring before, to show; also to present ones self
.....................or another before a person or a body of persons.

Representative - serving to represent; esp., standing or acting for another
............................or others; specifically representing a constituency or
............................the people, generally in legislation or government.

I apparently misconstrued just what a Representative was at an early age.

I always believed a Representative was one who was the voice of
the "people'; that they were to bring the peoples desire to the the floor
for the vote, not their "own" decision or some others.

I guess I was "partly" wrong!

lobby - a corridor, vestibule, or entrance hall.

The Lobby - the persons who frequent the approaches to the
legislative chambers, esp. to INFLUENCE THE LEGISLATIVE MEMBERS.

to lobby - to solicit the votes of members of a legislative body, in
the lobby or elsewhere:
Country Clubs, The Opera , Yacht Clubs, Corporate Jets,
in secrecy behind exclusive closed doors, etc.

"lobbizm" - to influence legislators; by urgings, donations, gifts, bribes,
blackmail, etc.; to procure the passage of a bill usually to benefit:

democracy - government by the people; a form in which the
supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by elected officials.

democracy - government by which the supreme power is vested in the
people and exercised by them; truly

democratic - the advocating or upholding the principle of
social equality for "all"; disregarding distinctions of privilege or position.

vote - a formal expression of will, wish or choice, either by voice, show of
hand, ballot, ticket, etc.

majority vote - a number of votes in agreement, constituting the greater
part or more than half of the total number of votes cast.

majority rule - the basis of democratic progressive achievement.

electoral college - a device by which the popular (majority) vote is
overthrown; a farce, which silences the peoples collective voice
by denying their formal will, wish or choice.

Gore vs Bush - (2000) a great example of denying the peoples collective
formal will or choice.

sound - solidly good or reliable; without defect as to truth, justice or reason.

examples of sound:
The Bill Of Rights and The Constitution Of The United States.

corrupt - to spoil, pervert, destroy that which is sound.

united - joined together, made one.

division - to part, mark off, separation of a legislature;
. Democrats vs Republican,
. those that have and those that have not,
. those within and those without, etc.

In 2004, (when to vote and why I have not was actually written) The rapper,
Russel Simmons, who was personally involved with
The Rock The Vote campaign stated:
" To vote is the most American thing you can do".

I say the most important American thing one can do is;

Just because "you voted" doesn't mean you have "completed"
all your chosen duty.

You must then watch and study intently your choice(s) to make sure these
represent righteousness to not only your interest but also,

all the peoples interests.

For example,to bring this writing more current; to those of you who voted
for Barack Obama to be President, congratulations, but now I ask you to
consider these questions:

Where is the change in Washington when two of President Obama's cabinet
choices have been tax evaders and one, The Secretary of the Treasury has
already been "approved" by Congress even though the country's economic
atmosphere is so dangerously thin, causing so very many to
desperately gasp for a breath to just survive let alone prosper.

Though some would and will say this type of tax evasion is frivolous,
I ask is it not this evasion based on fraud, greed and deceit;
the same type activities that the Banks and Wall Street financiers
delivered to the people?

Isn't this the same type activity that President Obamastated to the country
and the world was: "shameful" and "the height of irresponsibility"!

Oh by the way Mr. President, I believe "the height of responsibility" would
actually now lie with the government if "they" allow the fraud , greed, deceit,
and corruption to go unchecked, and unpunished.

Concerning these "frivolous tax evasions, You say No, These were just mistakes!

These were financial mistakes made by people who make a living off of
finance, economics and the making of money in general and we the people
are expected to believe these were legitimate mistakes!

So the question to you who voted for Obama is:
Are you going to make me have to put up with this?

The next question is not about The Presidents first 100 days, it is of
his first 100 hours.

Again to those of you who voted for President Obama;
are you aware of the fact that within 48 hours of his taking on the
presidency, President Obama breached the sovereignty of
the Nation of Pakistan and put the blood of innocent people on
not only his hands but also yours as well!

So the question to you who voted for Obama is:
Are you going to make me put up with this?


I am not a Democrat or a Republican Party Member,.

I do not believe in a cast system of any type and do truly believe the practices of
the two party system in America creates division not unity.

Yes I know there is also the Green Party and The Independent Party and
The Constitutionalists Party, but for all intents and purposes there is really
only the Democrats and the Republicans that play in "The Game";
can we at least agree on this!

Each of these two parties consider themselves to be better than each other;
so it surely makes one wonder how "these" feel about those who are not
a member of either of their pomp ass, egotesticle, self serving and
power hungry clubs.

Independent, what is that? Is this what it means to be an Independent;
alone and without?

Presently, due to their hawkish and arrogant attitude being displayed,
(remember I wrote this in 2004) I have great disdain for the
Republican Party, The President, His Administration, the ball less Democrats
and the constant 37% of citizens who look in the mirror and refuse to face
the reality of the "true peril" brought upon this nation by;
"their support" of The War called "Operation Iraqi Freedom".

I am obviously irritated and one of the actions that irritates me the most is,
someone (example) like Michael Bloomberg who would spend $15,000,000.00
of his own money to campaign for a job position that pays sooo much less!

What is also as obvious is the fact that IT IS THE POWER OF MONEY

I believe the present political system is UNFAIR! Unfair clearly denotes
UNEQUAL! Unequal, according to the creed of "non discrimination"
(in this case economic) clearly denotes FAILURE and FARCE!........


There are those "of you" who say;
"because I have not voted I should not have any say".

My say back to you is:
"I am not guilty of being an enabler to those
who were voted in and then failed us all"!

Can you say this?

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

.........scenario #1. & #2.

To the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS , then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.

.............scenario #1.........

Your the one the one and only!

You are to be dependable.
you are to be diligent.
You are there to protect the very lives of the rest.

You are vitally important to the future of your squad or perhaps
your entire Company.

You are their life line.

As they sleep , you watch.

You see a suspicious movement; you hear a strange sound
and you alert the others and they are now awake and prepared.

In comes the enemy and the battle ensues; the enemy is beaten
and they withdraw.

Of your fellows, there are many wounded and some losses.

An investigation is wrought; it is found you performed your duty well.

You are not held responsible for the wounded and the lost;
their blood is not on your hands.

You are decorated for you exemplary service.

......scenario #2.......

As they sleep you watch.

As you watch you get sleepy.

You cannot keep your eyes open.

You fall asleep.

You are awakened to gunfire, screams, and chaos.

You hear the bullets whizzing through the smoke filled air.

The darkness is interrupted by huge balls of fire emanating from
exploding grenades and the muzzle flashes of many small arms weapons.

It seems the attack will never end, but finally and fortunately the
enemy is forced to flee in retreat and the battle is over.

Your enemy has successfully completed a vicious hit and run mission
against you and your charge.

As the smoke clears you hear the cry's of the wounded.

As the morning light creeps into the day you can now see.....
you are surrounded by death and destruction.

Many of your comrades are now dead and wounded.

An investigation is wrought; it is found that you were negligent.

You are charged for your negligence.

You are found guilty as charged.

Their blood is upon your hands.

Your possible sentence? Death!

Your sentence is:
You are busted to E1.
You are jailed for 40 years to life in a military prison; no good time.

You are in hell remembering;
those you let down,
those who were wounded and
those who died because of your failure.

Both of these scenarios speak of true and complete justice, but...
is there this true and complete justice for all in America?

Why is it that subordinates are usually held accountable and have
to pay the responsibility tab, while their bosses seem to get away with
the slight; or at most get a slap on the hand or maybe a small fine?

It also appears government employees seem to slip through the cracks
kinda like a cockroach does when ever you try to nail them.

Have you ever noticed how they (the cockroaches) have what appears
to be a pre-planned escape route!

Thank goodness they (I am still referring to the roaches) aren't rich;
cause who knows what kinda protection they could buy!

I must apologise for the humor or at least the attempt; cause there
really isn't anything funny about this issue.

In fact it is a damn shame that there isn't equal Justice or in some
cases no justice dolled out to certain groups of Americans, yeah
that's right I said Americans; you know; land of the free, home of
the brave and justice for all, where all men (people) are equal.

Yeah now you got it, This Country. Your country. Our Country.

The Natives of this land (Our country) were correct when they
almost unanimously stated that;
"the White Man speaks with forked tongue".

Please understand I believe this comment:
"White Man speaks with forked tongue" referred
to the Government, so I mean "not" to sound racists.

We all know the Natives words "forked tongue" implied "liars", right!

When it comes time for accountability; those in power misdirect the
responsibility; they deflect, alter or just plain deny the truth.... and
they seem to get away with this the greater percentage of the time.

I don't know how this affects others; though I have ears to hear these
others I still can only assume how they really feel, that is until I see
that someone went postal, then I kinda get the point!

All I can tell you is, that when the cockroach gets away;
it affects me quite adversely.

Though I am a social being, I find myself in retreat every time an
incident occurs where and when accountability is not wrought
against the perpetrators of the failure.

Since I am expected to be accountable, I expect all others to likewise
be accountable.

Each and every time a denial of responsibility or a failure to produce
accountability is reported, I become more and more disillusioned;
especially with the failures being reported more and more often.

Unfortunately, Our Police and Governmental agencies are generally
thought of by most to be corrupt and seemingly untouchable.

The People have become quite skeptical of our police and
governmental agencies responses to the many allegations of
improper procedures, or inappropriate activities and behaviors.

These responses are purely designed to cover and protect...
The Agencies!

The police agencies hide behind "internal review" and "vehemently"
refuse to give any information concerning "their alleged" improper
and inappropriate activities; unless it is pried from them through
the courts; and if it be through the "Civil" courts with by out
settlements with the plaintiff's (most likely were former defendants)
there is usually a "gag order stipulation" attached to keep the
improper activity secret.

Each Governmental Agency, whether it be Municipal, County, State or
Federal; including Congressional and also Presidential Administrations,
have proven methods and procedures to be utilized in the cover up of their
improper activities from deep scrutiny. ( I think the roaches taught them)

Why do The People want or need to know?

Simply put, to hold those responsible, accountable.

Because "WE The People" have to be responsible and accountable
for our actions, therefore "We" require the same responsibility from

those that serve us.

Perform the duty correctly and completely, or else
suffer the consequences....that is unless you are able to:
hide the truth, deny the truth, or create a scapegoat to pin

the failure on!

It is the responsibility of those in government to;
accomplish their tasks.

Some of these are directed to be "The Watchmen";
these should take heed; of Ezekiel, 33.

To the Watchman:
"If you see the enemy of the Lord (land) approach the city and
blow the trumpet of warning;
those that hear the trumpet and flee (or prepare) will be safe".

"Those that hear the trumpet and do not heed the warning will die;
and their blood will not be on the Watchman's hands".

"If the Watchman sees the enemy of the Lord approaching the city
and sounds not the trumpet of warning to its inhabitants;
all will die and their blood will be on the Watchman's hands".

"Knew or should have known" are words stated in every personal injury
lawsuit and also in many criminal cases.

You always hear these words mentioned by the plaintiffs attorney or
the prosecuting attorneys directed at the defendants;
and so it should be.

The same should also be applied in the matters of "Event 91101".

Strange, before "Event 91101" and "The Patriot Act";
The F.B.I., The C.I.A., and the S.S.A., stated:
"they couldn't" share information with each other!

There are those agencies and personnel in authority who stated:
"they didn't know" because of this inability to "share information".

But check this out; if the President collects all of the information from:
The F.B.I. and The C.I.A. and The S.S.A, then it would seem that
President G.W. Bush and "His Administration" should have or
should have been able to put all of the "pieces" of the information
puzzle together and see the total picture, right?

Well not exactly!

What do you mean, not exactly?

What logical, acceptable excuse can "they" G. W. and "His Admin."
possibly produce?

Silence....a moment of:
For those who died and those who
have been cast into great despair,
as a result of "Event 91101";

Now is not the time to mark our losses with silence...
Now is the time to cry out loudly for them!




There has been and still is; great controversy concerning:
"Event 91101".

What is the "truthful answer" to the question:

I am Fran Cisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and Iwill speak again.
It's your turn now!

Monday, January 19, 2009


To the reader,
Please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.


Definition of a President; one who can read well.

Oh please!

OK, I want you to think back to your school years.

Remember when you had a writing assignment due for homework
and you turned in the work your sister did for you!

And do you remember when you got caught, how much trouble you
got into for cheating, yeah cheating;
AIN'T that what it was and still is?

Soooo;......what about the President?

I am not just talking about G. W. Bush, but all of them.

Come on now, aren't we talking about the most powerful person
in the country....can't they produce their own words?

I recently learned that L.B. Johnson's little speech; his first to
the Country after President J. F. Kennedy's death, was

written by a female writer on behalf of the people of this nation.

It was "her" compassion that helped steer the country
through the turmoil. Her compassion, "not" L.B.J's.

As you watch Johnson speak, you can plainly see he is reading
the words, not producing them from his heart.

Soooo....The question is....Why is it so important to learn to

write, or to be eloquent in speech, when all we really need to
learn is; how to read well?

Also, why do we punish our children for the same offences
committed by our Presidents? Why? Why?

Because it's the right thing to do!

How else will they (the children) learn to do things for themselves.

You didn't get the grade for your sisters work and

neither should the Prez!

Sooo....Talk to us Mr. President. Just tell us whats on your mind
and don't let me hear you say you don't have the time;
it's your home work, just do it.

Oh by the way, who pays the speech writers...
The Prez or YOU? (the taxpayer)

I am FranCisco d Nostromo

I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

.........What should they be?.........

To the reader, please go to "older posts"
and begin with
then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.

........What should they be?.........

They should be dedicated to the people;
all the people.

They should be a person who believes;
what is right should be,
and what is wrong should not.

They are one who understands:
the Country they represent;
"is not"above any other Country;
illustrating the true sense of equality.

They are friends to all others.

They would be a steadfast person who would
not relent; unless they feel they are wrong.

They would believe the almighty power of the fist
should be held back, until sound, reliable and
indisputable proof can be produced to determine
and declare war and that there is;
no other Avenue to travel to insure the security and
safety of the people they represent:
not only "their" country's citizenry;
but also their allies citizenry.

They without pause;
will increase the prosperity to those they serve and
to those who depend upon their charities.

They would be diligent purveyors of the truth;
the truth will keep us free:

Free of deceit.
Free of corruption.
Free of fear from retribution resulting from:
lies and falsehoods.

Free of contempt from others in the world.

They would gladly lock arms with their allies,
helping to insure that:
all of those in the world who also desire freedom,
may attain it, but only at the request of the oppressed
and only through intense diplomacy and negotiation.
Never by force unless it is determined by a unanimous
consensus of opinion by a World Wide Authority;
that force is absolutely necessary and paramount to
insure the safety and security of the oppressed peoples.

If war is ever truly necessary; they;
would not "go it alone"
but would gather the strength and wisdom
of their allies together, to face their adversaries
with a shield of honor and dignity; and by
wielding the ultimate weapon of righteousness.

They would not take the pain and sufferings of
others lightly, but will instead do their utmost
to alleviate the problems and not give vain rhetoric.

They would fully realize their frailties and
strive for perfection daily.

They would be one whom would not stay or
cover the mouths of peaceful dissent;
believing the objection to be in earnest and
they would be hard pressed
to uphold freedom of speech understanding,
it is the right of the people even though the dissent
may be in direct objection or opposition to
their own directives.

They would believe fairness and equality;
are the basis of a sound society and consequently
would practice these virtues religiously.

They would be one whom the the people they lead,
can put their total faith in; believing that their leader
will tender the same great care to them and theirs,
as if it were it were his or hers very own.

They would thoroughly and completely believe;
that treating others the way "they themselves"
wish to be treated is the the most sound advice and
applies this model to their own life with impunity.

They would be courageous under fire.

These same attributes should also apply to:
"any servant" to the people and also to:
"the people themselves";
with me, first and foremost included!

When you Judge, Judge righteously.

To the sitting President of The United States;
George W. (Long Shanks) Bush,

You had 8 long years to prove yourself and
with all due respect,
I believe you were not and
seemingly are still not the above person.

I can only hope and pray for your soul,
as it is in dire danger due to:
the murderous blood upon your hands.

To the President Elect;
Barack Hussein Obama,

Even before your taking the seat as
Commander In Chief,

I believe you made a serious mistake with
your apparent biased opine
the current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict. (Gaza)

I also believe no cry for an immediate ceasefire and
an end to the
hostilities may have ultimately cost the
lives of many more innocent.

The reason for my objection is duly noted in writing:

To the now sitting President:
Barack Hussein Obama,
Your failure to "WE THE PEOPLE" and
your guilt, is now so painfully obvious;
as is also the murderous blood that now
stains "your" hands

(or who ever you are)

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

............AMERICA & ISRAEL.........
To the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially #2., #3., etc.

.............AMERICA & ISRAEL..........


Concerning the current Israeli "incursion" into Lebanon.
(now "past incursion")FCdN

I can't recall which cable news channel I heard this comment on,
as I bounce around "all of them" trying to gain a greater perspective
of a situation.

The comment:
"The Israeli's have requested The United States Of America to
quickly ship more missiles to Israel".


So they, "Israel" will have the tools necessary to continue
"their war campaign" against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

In other words, Israel wishes the United States to basically;
overnight (FED EX style) the clout to win the bout!

It appears that not only is The United States "not" trying to
broker peace; they are on the other hand;
brokering weapons deals with Israel!

As if the warmongers are not making enough money off the
War in Iraq; now they are trying to "make a killing" (no pun intended)
off of the massive amounts of ordinance Israel is dropping on Beirut.

Just think of all the monies to be made rebuilding Beirut "AGAIN"!

And the united States condemns Iran & Syria for supplying Hezbollah
with their munitions; imagine that!

I cannot get over the hypocrisy you people issue from your mouths.
"All" you dirty rotten war mongering beasts make me sick.

Oops, I'm sorry, I'm supposed to forgive you, right.


I am supposed to forgive you when you repent and ask for forgiveness.
"This" is not a matter of pre-emptive forgiveness. You have to see the
error of your ways and turn away from the evil (vanity) that is
poisoning your hearts.

Is this possible or, is it once a murdering war monger, always
a murdering war monger!

Concerning the war mongers of Israel and their forgiveness;
all things are possible with faith I am told, especially when using
the faith as that which was of Abraham's.

It is said that when the Son of Man sets you free you are free indeed.

Who is the Son of Man you ask?

He is Jesus, The Christ.

Jesus is not only The Christ of the Hebrew peoples(Jews) but also
The Christ peoples of all the World!

Christ "is not" Jesus last name, Christ is his "TITLE" as in:
Jesus "The Christ" or Jesus "the King".

Of course the Jews do not believe this; on the contrary they,
the Jews are still looking for their Messiah to come.

This person is to be the "one" who shall save them from
utter destruction; the "one" whom they will finally
bow down to; only to be terribly and totally deceived.

All those who have knowledge and understanding of these things,
also know neither hell or high water will stop or change the events
of the coming times. Some say these times are the end times.

The battle between Isaac and Ishmael will in time come to an end
and the earth will cry out no longer of "their" spilled blood, but
that time is not yet; however it would seem it is very close at hand.

One might find it odd, that America, which is primarily a
Christian nation defends Israel.

Why does America seem to support Israel even when it appears to
the rest of the World that Israel may be wrong, even dead wrong.

Perhaps America is in collusion with Israel for a more covert reason.
Don't think for one minute The U.S. Government truly cares one bit
about the souls of the Israelites.

Even though America is primarily "Christian", the Government itself
"is not" and according to U.S. Constitutional Law through the separation
of church and state provisions; The Government "cannot" take
the Christian position.

The "true Christian position" is quite simple, it is peaceful in nature;
"Blessed are the peace makers".

However "Christy" is a completely different derogatory connotation
placed upon Christians, who waged war and conquered nations in
the name of Jesus.

This same type separation or differentiation can also be applied to
the Jewish peoples in that it is written "there are those amongst you,
who say they are Jews, but are not".

I believe these may be called Zionist Jews.

The word "Christ" is the root word for Christian

Christians believe "they" are actually "Jews" by adoption!

The term Christ is based on the Judaic religion(faith), which
stems from the Jewish Patriarch, Abraham.

It was Abraham's strong, constant and complete faith in
His God that the whole Judaic concept is based and also the
initial prophecy of the sacrifice that; God Himself would provide.

The Old Testament, which is also called the "Torah", illustrates the
history of the trials and tribulations of The Hebrew peoples and also
records The Promises and Prophecies of their God, their Father.

The main and most important blessing being;
The everlasting Blessing of God to Abraham and to all his seed.

In the Prophecies, their was to be "One" who would be
"The Christ" or "Messiah"of the Hebrew Peoples.

Christ meaning "savior".

All Hebrews who are of the actual bloodlines of Abraham are Jewish.
Any and all other human beings are called Gentiles.

Gentiles were considered to be outside of the everlasting Blessing of
God to Abraham.

The "New Testament" is the recordings of the life and ministries of
one called Jesus and also the beginnings of "The Christian Doctrines";
including the Prophecy of "The Revelation" of John.

It is this Jesus who claimed the prophecy of the coming of
"The Messiah" was fulfilled through him!


It was this "UNBELIEF" that ultimately led to the death
of this man Jesus; this man said to be of virgin birth,
the same virgin birth prophesied in the Sacred writings
of "The Torah".

It was also Old Testament Prophecy as it is written;
"that He, The Messiah would come into his own and
his own would know him not".

Again The Old Testament Prophecy states;
"that He, The Messiah" would be killed and after three days
would defeat death and raise from the grave.

It is The "New Testament" recordings that state;
the fulfillment of these Prophecies.

There once was a King who planned a wedding feast for his son
and he invited many prominent, well known and important of
the city to attend via his servants. These invited, humiliated and
did great harm to the Kings servants, thereby refusing to attend.

The King then sent his servants to the city to invite any and all
who would come; both rich and poor, great or small.

The first invitation was to the Hebrews (Jews).

The second invitation was to the Gentiles.

To who so ever believe that Jesus is "The Christ" will receive
The Promise of the Blessing of God to Abraham.

Hence; "Jewish" by adoption.

God is not a respecter of specific persons, but to all
who believe in His Son Jesus.

There are true Abraham bloodline Jews who believe that
Jesus is The Son Of God and their Christ. These are called

Unbelief is "the greatest sin"!

It is the "unbelief of the Jews" that Jesus,
was and is their Christ that impedes their ability to receive
the promise of their God.

To my dear Hebrew brothers and sisters,
It is only by your faith in the Son Jesus, you will receive
the fulfillment of "The Promise of The Father".

Jesus is "The Ticket" to the wedding feast; no ticket, no entry.

Now comes the present incursion of Palestine (Gaza) Jan. 09.

Obviously the Israeli retributive attacks against Hezbollah and
the destruction wrought against Beirut, Lebanon happened on
George W, (Long Shanks) Bush's watch;
as well as Israels present campaign against Ha'mas and
the destruction wrought in Gaza, Palestine.

The world is fully aware of the "disproportionate" action taken
by Israel against Ha'mas and the Palestinian people.

The World is also aware of the innocent death toll,
which is the main complaint among many complaints.

The reasoning behind the aggression is also being moderately
questioned in that; it is understood one has the right to protect
ones self against aggression and especially when one is obligated
to protect the innocent under their charge.

As the President Elect Barack Obama finally opined and
expressed his feelings on the matter of the present
Israeli / Palestinian Conflict in this manner: (paraphrased)
"If my daughters bedrooms were being attacked by rockets,
I would want to do everything in my power to stop this threat.

However, even though the Israelis, seemingly to add support or
justify their actions in Gaza quoted Barack Obama's opinion to
the world;there is another side to the story and another question
needs to be asked of President Elect Barrack Obama:

Sir, what would you do if you could not
provide food for your hungry daughters, or
provide medicine for your sick daughters, or
provide clean drinking water for your thirsty daughters, or
provide safe and comfortable shelter for your daughters;
all this due to an unjust blockade against your country and
your fellow countrymen;
installed by a powerful oppressive bully nation, seemingly intent
in aiding to your failure,instead of embracing you and yours
with complete peace?

The same bully who over 60 years past came and took what was
once yours then destroyed your heritage and obliterated your peace.

Mr. President Elect, what would you do when your negotiated desire
for a fair and lasting peaceful outcome fails over and over again;
would you feel the need to resort to violence to save
your dying daughters?

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


to the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially with#2., #3., etc.


I cried out loud
and I spoke real plain.
I expressed how I feel
and the depth of my pain.

Very hard I tried
to make you see;
but you didn't even bother
to listen to me.

So I hit you with my fist
and I took you off my list.

I cried out loud and
I spoke real plain.
I expressed how I feel
and the depth of my pain.

Very hard I tried
to make you see;
but you didn't even bother
to listen to me.

So I picked up the knife
and used the blade to end the strife.

I cried out loud
and I spoke real plain.
I expressed how I feel
and the depth of my pain.

Very hard I tried
to make you see;
but you didn't even bother
to listen to me.

So I pulled the trigger on the gun;
consequently now I'm on the run.

I cried out loud
and I spoke real plain.
I expressed how I feel
and the depth of my pain.

Very hard I tried
to make you see;
but you didn't even bother
to listen to me.

So I turned to the plastic
and I did something drastic.

I cried out loud
and I spoke real plain.
I expressed how I feel
and the depth of my pain.

Very hard I tried
to make you see;
but you didn't even bother
to listen to me.

So I sent the rockets high
and brought death from the sky.

Now we cry out loud
and we speak real plain.
We express how we feel
and the depth of our pain;

cause now we sit and suffer;
in the darkness,
in the ashes,
in the radioactive rain

FranCisco d Nostromo

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

..........a song........

To the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.


You've got a lotta nerve
to talk about the Russians

It takes a lotta gall say'n
tear down this wall

You gotta learn to serve
and stop the oppression.

You'd better stand tall
or this damn things gonna fall.

And the fall will end it all,
won't be no one to call.

Yeah the whole damn thing will fall;
.....It'll be the end of us all,
.....won't be no one to call.
.....It'll be the end of us all.
.....It's the end of us all.
.....End of us all.
.....The end of us all.

You talk a lot of talk
making big impressions.

No work just stall
putt'n our backs against the wall.

You gotta learn to serve
and stop the aggression.

You better stand tall
or this damn things gonna fall.

And the fall will end it all,
won't be no one to call.

Yeah the whole damn thing will fall;
.....It'll be the end of us all,
.....won't be no one to call.
.....It'll be the end of us all.
.....It's the end of us all.
.....End of us all.
.....The end of us all.

You quarrel and fight
thereby wasting sessions.

Your eyes off the ball;
ain't putt'n one over the wall.

You'd gotta learn to serve
and stop the secession.

You better stand tall
or this damn things gonna fall.

And the fall will end it all,
won't be no one to call.

Yeah the whole damn thing will fall;
.....It'll be the end of us all,
.....won't be no one to call.
.....It'll be the end of us all.
.....It's the end of us all.
.....End of us all.

FranCisco d Nostromo

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
#16. Bill 86

To the reader please go "to older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS the sequentially with#2., #3., etc.

#16. BILL 86


I propose a bill, to do away with the
"R" and the "D"
after or before the names of
Congressional Members

Massachusetts Congressman John M. Doe
Virginia Congresswoman Jane A. Doe

There is no need to advertise:

The Republican Party
The Democratic Party

We will never be united as long as we have the "R" and the "D"
after or before the names of Congressional Members.

How can you be "truly united", when all you do is fight amongst
yourselves, based upon your parties needs; not the peoples needs.
All the peoples needs!

There are many citizens who are not in these "clubs";
what of these are they of little or no significance?

You are no longer a Republican or a Democrat, you are a member of:
The Congress Of The United States Of America.

You are there to help keep the people united;

You are now just a member of Congress; a person who is to bring and
support the will of the people, not your needs, or your parties needs,
or special interests groups needs, or the Corporate Giants needs...
just the peoples needs.....all of the people.

Righteousness, integrity, and equality are not authored by
Republicans or Democrats......These are attributes of The Great One.
These same, we all should strive for.

The constant bickering and strife you ply against each other, combined
with the so tiring battle over power, is as abrasive to the peoples spirits as
is the Colorado on The Grand Canyon.

You say you are taking the brightest minds and ideas from each of
your parties, then blend them together to form more perfect progress.

But if we were to say Team U.S.A., one team, there would be no divisive
competition to stall or forgo this perfect progress.

Imagine the awesome strength and vitality unity creates!

Just put all of your brightest minds in one pool and "ALLOW" them,
to fill the peoples cups to over flowing.

Who among you will sponsor this bill?

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

a song..
(vocal, flute, piccolo, cello, kettle drum, light bell, gong, cymbals)

To the reader, please go to "older posts" and begin
with #1.EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.


instrumental opening

Once upon a time at Tiananmen Square;
holes in flesh bullets did tear.
Wounding and killing so many there;
pain, suffering, beyond compare.
Death in the midst of Tiananmen Square.
Deep in the heart of Tiananmen Square

Stains on the stones at Tiananmen Square;
dark red blood droplets lay everywhere.
Clotted and blistered from the hot dry air;
spilled by those without any care.
Spilled on the stones of Tiananmen Square.
Blood from their bones on Tiananmen Square.

Screams and shrieks from Tiananmen Square;
chilling sad sounds now fill the air.
Peace pierced, spirits and bodies no longer do share;
kindness and loving now so very rare.
Deaths sad songs sung from Tiananmen Square.
Their sad songs sung at Tiananmen Square.

Brother against brother at Tiananmen Square;
violence and hate separating the pair.
One whose death now the other must bare;
ill sick reward from the dragons dank lair.
Fighting each other at Tiananmen Square.
Killing each other at Tiananmen Square.

From all who died at Tiananmen Square;
there is loss, emptiness and great despair.
Now those that lost loved ones Oh so fair;
at horror in solitude they blankly do stare.
They won't forget Tiananmen Square.
Don't you forget Tiananmen Square.

Oh please don't forget Tiananmen Square.

Oh please don't forget, Oh please don't forget,
Oh please don't forget Tiananmen Square.

Oh please don't forget, Oh please don't forget,
Oh please don't forget Tiananmen Square.

repeat and softly fade away.........

I am still alive; and so too, is my opposition

FranCisco d Nostromo

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


To the reader please go to "older posts" and
begin reading with #1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS,
then sequentially #2., #3. etc.


The Bill Of Rights;
"does not guarantee our rights",
it merely states the rights of the citizens
"our governing body must respect".

It is part of a formula for the creation and
existence of complete freedom.

It is "We The People" who guarantee
"these rights"
to "We The People"!

Take "one component" from this formula and
you know longer have "complete freedom".

An "unlawful invasion of our privacy" by
any means "denudes total freedom" and
therefore life in America becomes a fraud;
thereby making vain the sacrifices of those who
gave their lives protecting "total freedom".

The almighty power of the government instrument
known as "The Patriot Act" most certainly
too much control to any commander
wishes to wield this tool.

The institution of this act spells out:
the end of total freedom
your freedom, my freedom!

The constitutionality of "The Patriot Act",
is at the very least in deep question and is
the main focal point and debate by many
staunch constitutionalists, who have
challenged and are presently challenging
this "Act" in the courts.

Governments main duty is to: "insure"
total freedom of "ALL THE PEOPLE";
not to suppress or deny freedoms.

Anyone "sworn" into government is:
"obligated to insure freedom"....

This is imperative.

"Any" refusal, denial or failure to this imperative
is a crime against "All Of The People"...
and if it be in a conspiratorial manner;
it becomes an act of treason.

There comes a time in every society when,
the "PROPaganda" of it's suppressive and
oppressive government fails and "the fall" of
that society becomes inevitable.


I understand that there are many prisons
have already been built, are empty but
staffed and that
there are more prisons that
are to be built in the
not so distant future.

Another name for these prisons is:
(Federal Emergency Management Agency)

I believe as well as very many others, that
these prisons are
designed to house
those of "us", who are and will continue
be against, the "TYRANNICAL" efforts
being administered
against not only us,
but also:

The Declaration Of Independence;
issued to King George Of England,

(non subverted version)
which was conceived, written and instituted by
"The Founding Fathers" of

along with Our many ancestors who believed
sincerely and earnestly in "True Freedom";
so much so, that "They" fought and died"
this "True Freedom", for
the future generations to come.
This being "US"!

"The Bill Of Rights"
which heralds
"OUR GOVERNING BODY" must respect.

"OUR RIGHTS" means nothing,
unless "we take" and "hold" them.
Otherwise; "we surrender them".

We do not have the right to surrender:

Therefore, we are "obligated to fight" for
what is"good and proper" NOW!

Stand and be counted,
the numbers shall determine the future.

Mothers and Fathers,
you must explain to your sons and daughters,
who are in the service to Our government in
any wise, especially to those that that are in
the Military or Law Enforcement that;
"when push comes to shoot" it will be
"you" along with "their" brothers and
friends and neighbors, that they
will be
targeting and imprisoning.

They must deny this future atrocity to
Our humanity or else all will be lost.

It stands to great reason that Our government,
cooperation and conjunction with the:
(New World Order) would depend
upon a "foreign police force" to implement
the power to "control us", knowing full well
it is our hope; our sons and daughters
"won't do this dirty deed".

It is so very difficult governing ones own heart;
let alone several or millions of hearts collected
together as a society.

An uncorrupted and fair government is
a requirement for total societal success.

If "we" are our own worst enemies, how much
greater is the enemy when two or more of "we";
gather together in conspiracy against
one or
many of us.

Our current governing body and our
law enforcement agencies,

are so deeply and completely permeated
with the infection of corruption
that the condition of gangrene has set in and
quite possibly already reached
critical terminal progress.

Those of the corrupted, who for their own
"self centered needs" have caused a spoiling
of an Ideology based upon righteousness and
equality, designed by those; with the good
intentions for all who would wish to partake.

I am not a patriot to
the governments of men;

but of the Ideology.

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!