Saturday, January 17, 2009

.........What should they be?.........

To the reader, please go to "older posts"
and begin with
then sequentially with #2., #3., etc.

........What should they be?.........

They should be dedicated to the people;
all the people.

They should be a person who believes;
what is right should be,
and what is wrong should not.

They are one who understands:
the Country they represent;
"is not"above any other Country;
illustrating the true sense of equality.

They are friends to all others.

They would be a steadfast person who would
not relent; unless they feel they are wrong.

They would believe the almighty power of the fist
should be held back, until sound, reliable and
indisputable proof can be produced to determine
and declare war and that there is;
no other Avenue to travel to insure the security and
safety of the people they represent:
not only "their" country's citizenry;
but also their allies citizenry.

They without pause;
will increase the prosperity to those they serve and
to those who depend upon their charities.

They would be diligent purveyors of the truth;
the truth will keep us free:

Free of deceit.
Free of corruption.
Free of fear from retribution resulting from:
lies and falsehoods.

Free of contempt from others in the world.

They would gladly lock arms with their allies,
helping to insure that:
all of those in the world who also desire freedom,
may attain it, but only at the request of the oppressed
and only through intense diplomacy and negotiation.
Never by force unless it is determined by a unanimous
consensus of opinion by a World Wide Authority;
that force is absolutely necessary and paramount to
insure the safety and security of the oppressed peoples.

If war is ever truly necessary; they;
would not "go it alone"
but would gather the strength and wisdom
of their allies together, to face their adversaries
with a shield of honor and dignity; and by
wielding the ultimate weapon of righteousness.

They would not take the pain and sufferings of
others lightly, but will instead do their utmost
to alleviate the problems and not give vain rhetoric.

They would fully realize their frailties and
strive for perfection daily.

They would be one whom would not stay or
cover the mouths of peaceful dissent;
believing the objection to be in earnest and
they would be hard pressed
to uphold freedom of speech understanding,
it is the right of the people even though the dissent
may be in direct objection or opposition to
their own directives.

They would believe fairness and equality;
are the basis of a sound society and consequently
would practice these virtues religiously.

They would be one whom the the people they lead,
can put their total faith in; believing that their leader
will tender the same great care to them and theirs,
as if it were it were his or hers very own.

They would thoroughly and completely believe;
that treating others the way "they themselves"
wish to be treated is the the most sound advice and
applies this model to their own life with impunity.

They would be courageous under fire.

These same attributes should also apply to:
"any servant" to the people and also to:
"the people themselves";
with me, first and foremost included!

When you Judge, Judge righteously.

To the sitting President of The United States;
George W. (Long Shanks) Bush,

You had 8 long years to prove yourself and
with all due respect,
I believe you were not and
seemingly are still not the above person.

I can only hope and pray for your soul,
as it is in dire danger due to:
the murderous blood upon your hands.

To the President Elect;
Barack Hussein Obama,

Even before your taking the seat as
Commander In Chief,

I believe you made a serious mistake with
your apparent biased opine
the current Israeli/Palestinian Conflict. (Gaza)

I also believe no cry for an immediate ceasefire and
an end to the
hostilities may have ultimately cost the
lives of many more innocent.

The reason for my objection is duly noted in writing:

To the now sitting President:
Barack Hussein Obama,
Your failure to "WE THE PEOPLE" and
your guilt, is now so painfully obvious;
as is also the murderous blood that now
stains "your" hands

(or who ever you are)

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

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