Monday, December 22, 2008

to the READER;
Please go to "older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then continue in numerical sequece.
Thank you.

.....part 1. A SONG / part 2. VIDEO....

part 1. song

Two more down,
two more gone,
two more taken
and you say you've won.

Oh at what cost;
did you win the battle?

Oh at what cost;
was it worth the lost?

Two more down,
two more out,
two more lost souls,
such a deep dark hole.

Oh at what cost;
did you win the war?

Oh at what cost;
was it worth the horror?

I don't know
how many more,
will die from fighting
this unjust war;
but as of today,
so I've been told,
two who were once lively........
and warm
now lie still and cold.

Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone.....Two has become none

Two more down, Two more gone, Two more out, Two more lost,
Two more taken, Two more gone, and you say you've won.

Oh at what cost....did you win the battle?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the loss?
Oh at what cost....did you win the war?
Oh at what cost....was it worth the horror?

I don't know
how many more
will die from fighting
this crazy war;
but as of today
so I've been told
two who once were lively........
and warm
now lie still..........and.........cold.

War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.

War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.

War, hooah; what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again yeah.

This song was written when the American military death toll
was at 1,000; due to the War in Iraq know as;
"Operation Iraqi Freedom"!

Yesterday the American military death toll was 4,209!

The civilian death toll is said to be well over 650,000!


...................FranCisco d Nostromo................

....................................VIDEO ASPECT.......................

To be computer animated

1. U.S. Marine Honor Gaurd (dress uniform)
Howitzer 21 Gun Salute Detail

2. Master At Arms audibly prepares 1st round, commands fire;
2nd round, commands fire; 3rd round etc.

3. As rounds expend, camera pans to funeral burial ceremony scene.

4. There is much sorrow and grief.

5. As Howitzer blasts quicken; scene shifts to:
a U.S. Humvee convoy traveling through downtown Bahgdad.

6. Scene shifts to inside Humvee.
Conversation between 3 soldiers in Humvee, subject:
what they are going to do when they get back home.

7. At 20th Howitzer blast, scene again shifts to;
viewing Humvee as it rolls down the road.

8. At 21st and final blast of the Howitzer's 21 Gun Salute;
an IED (improvised explosive device) detonates as the
subject Humvee precisely meets and passes the IED.

9. Darkness (on screen) Pause

10. The the horror of war is exposed ie;
destruction, confusion, screams, fire, smoke, blood and death.

11. Audible: "medovac, medovac; I've got two down".

12. Song vocal and music commences.

13. Medovac helo enters the scene.

14. Helo loads, departs, arrives at Med Post;
unloads two DOA's (dead on arrivals), both died inflight enroute.

15. Scene shifts to post death to Flag draped casket off loading from
C5A tail ramp at Air Force Base.

"How damn dare you censor the devils dirty deeds Mr. President"?
........................George W. (Long Shanks) Bush.....................

16. Each Flag draped casget is borne by 6 pall bearers.

17. Preceeding "each" flag draped casket are:
A Drum Major with baton, followed by a 6 foot interval and then by;
A Snare Drummer and a Bag Piper abreast then by;
a 6 foot interval and then by:
The 6 pall bearers and the Flag draped casket, then by;
a 6 foot interval where the next entourage of the fallen begins anew.

18. The Drum Major, drummer, piper, and pall bearers are skeletons;
wearing Viet Nam camoflauge fatique uniforms.

19. Scene shifts to the gate of The White House.

20. "The March Home" procession begins at The White House gate.

21. The "freshly unloaded caskets" with their skeletonized entourage,
take their part and enter at the rear of the very long procession.

22. The skeletonized entourage members morph into:
flesh and blood humans; now in full military dress attire with:
Viet Nam Conflict Medals pinned upon the breast of each one.

23. The procession of over 4,000 Flag draped caskets with
their entourage members passes down Pennsyvannia Avenue.

24. From Pennsylvannia Avenue, the procession passes to;
old route 40, the 1st "National Road", heading west.

25. The procession is over 15 miles long!

26. Overview shall be depicted on road map of:
Washington, DC. and full U.S. map.

27. On each side of Pennsylvania Ave and "The National Road" are;
lines of spectators.

28. These spectators are saluting skeletons, dressed in Viet nam era
uniforms. ( U.S. Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Gaurd)

29. The spectators are part of the over 58,000 American military
personel killed as a result of The Viet Nam War. (conflict)

30. At the end of each of the spectator rows, the end 9 of the spectators,
will disapear and then reappear as "new" entourage members.
1 Drum Major, 1 drummer, 1 piper, 6 pall bearers = 9
9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen due to "Operation Iraqi Freedom"!

31. Each of these 9 new entourage members will commence their duty
departing the C5A.

32. As the scene shifts to the lead casket and entourage of the procession,
the lead casket with it's entourage will fast forward on beat to the
designated town or city of burial on the overview U.S. map.

33. The map will be marked by many sites who have already
received their fallen.

34. The entourage will deliver the casket to the video openig;
the grave sight ceremony thereby completing the cycle of respect.

35. The image of the entourage members will then dissipate back
into infamy and rest, their respectful duty completed.

36. Video / post script roll over U.S. map with over
4,000s of flag draped caskets:

was written when there were 1,000 American soldiers
killed from The War known as "Operation Iraqi Freedom".

At present, the death toll is at 4,209 and steadily rising.

Over 25,000 American soldiers minds, bodies and spirits are
wounded; many horribly and permanetly maimed.

The suicidal death toll of many American soldiers returning from
this war is extremely and unusually high in numbers.

The death toll of wounded and killed of "The Alliance Forces" and
the alleged enemy are also high and as weighty of a burden on the
hearts of "their" loved ones.

The death toll of innocent men, women and children is
well over 100,000 and some say as much as 650,000 if not more.
The river of tears for these will never run dry.

The loved ones and friends of these many dead and wounded
have been sent a terrible message of "shock and awe", that will
forever plauqe their spirits and hinder their peace

A crhonology: American soldiers fallen (Asf)
10/20/06 - 2.12 deaths per day (dpd)
01/28/07 - 3,070 Asf divided by 1,411 days of war = 2.18 dpd
03/18/07 - 3,210 Asf divided by 1,460 days of war = 2.19 dpd
hence the Title; TWO MORE DOWN / TWO MORE GONE

Which two will it be today and which two will it be tommorrow?

Drum Major, 1ft + 6ft interval +
Drummer and Piper, 1ft + 6ft interval +
casket @7ft +6ft interval = 27ft total length of 1 entourage

27ft x 4,209 fallen = 113,643ft divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = 21.5 miles
21.5 mile long procession

9 ghosts of Viet Nam per fallen x 4,209 fallen =
37,881 entourage members

58,000 fallen soldiers of The Viet Nam War (conflict)
58,000 - 37,881 entourage members = 21,000 spectators left
21,000 divided by 2 = 10,500 spectators per side of procession
3ft width per spectator + 2ft interval = 5ft x 10,500 = 52,500ft
52,500 divided by 5,280ft (1 mile) = a tad less than 10 miles long
spectator line length 10 miles.

Blood; 7 pints x 16 ounces = 112 ounces per person

American: 4,209 dead x 112 ounces = 471,408 ounces
471,408 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1gallon) = 3,680 gallons
approximately 1-standard gasoline tanker truck 1/2 full

Iraqi: civillian men, women and children 650,000 dead
650,000 x 112 ounces = 72,800,00 ounces
72,800,000 ounces divided by 128 ounces (1 gallon) = 568,000
approximately 567 standard gasoline tanker trucks full
60ft tanker length x 567 tankers = 34,020 divided by 5,280ft =
blood tanker to blood tanker line = 6.5 miles long
Puts a new twist on blood line does'nt it!

As I said; CARRY ON

I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

At yesterdays writing I added the suicidal script to the post script.
Last night I called a friend to say hello and I heard this message:

This is Cliff S...., this is my last message.
On November 20th, I took my own life.

That was all I heard. I thought it was some kind of prank my
witty friend was pulling, but in my heart I worried.

I then called another whom was also a friend to this wonderful
person named Cliff and left a message asking him whats up and
that I was worried about Cliff.

I then, within five minutes received a call back and was told
Cliff had been dead for the past 20 days.

Of course I was crushed. Suicide not only kills the one who takes
their own life, it also kills the future of those they leave behind.
So please, to those of you who are considering taking your own life;
consider even more; the spirit of those who love and care about you.

My friend Cliff was not a soldier or even involved with this ugly and
unjust war; he was just a very unhappy and lonely man.

Please, help make someone happy.

Goodbye Cliff

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