#1., 2. and 3
There is this lush, green, grassy pasture,
surrounded by a secure fence.
All over this pasture lay many piles of
bovine droppings.
Standing amongst these many piles of
bovine droppings are two bovine;
a steer and a bull.
Concerning these bovine droppings;
obviously there are two types:
Steer Shit and Bull Shit.
Now when it comes to Steer Shit we people
absolutely love it; as we buy it by the bags
full and the truck loads.
However it seems, when it comes to Bull Shit;
NO ONE wants anything to do with it!
So, the question arises; How does one
decipher the good shit, from the bad shit
in the pasture?
Answer: Use your God given
eveplebe-odious meter!
You say you don't believe in God.
Then use the sense of a good mother!
eveplebe-odious, (e-v-ple-b-o-d-s),
Bull Shit, stinky (very)
Abbreviation; eveplebe
FranCisco d Nostromo (FCdN)
David Burn, "American Morning" 030203
We now look to actors, producers, musicians and comedians as being
role models, hopefully good ones.
But in the early times of "these industries", these wre usually just
thought of as; well as just actors, producers, musicians, and comedians!
The times have changed, today there is much more emphasis placed on
their "real life" charactor's; either good or bad, naughty or nice,
giving or greedy.... sometimes they are schmoozed and sometimes
they are butchered and put on ice.
They are; get this, human being's!
The main difference between "they" and "we"; "they" are in the
"limelight" and because of this exposure when they speak, their voice
becomes greatly amplified thereby filling the "HALL" with their noise.
Writers, producers, actors, comedians and musicians realize their power
and use it for one reason or another.; these give "the public" something
to chew on. through their productions many issues have been exposed
and examined; much education and great good has come from
their ventures. However, I am fully aware of the fact, that
"much eveplebeodious" has also been served up!
We put the celebrities on pedestals; we admire them for their works and
now you wish to denude them by asking;
"why should we listen to them" when they say:
These "celebrities" also are "citizens" of "our society" and I think the
real question should be; "why would we not listen to them"?
Maybe by being in the "limelight", some of our celebrities feel a
greater sense of responsibility to help motivate and promote the issues
that"they" earnestly believe in. Maybe they are just people wanting to
assist other people!
When anyone speaks , we should measure their fullness,feel their words
and absorb their compassion just as we also wish to heard and understood.
Shall we wage war on celebrities who wish for peace, prosperity and
longer, better quality of life for others?
Sean Penn' just one man, just one voice!
An idealist? Maybe. A patriot? No doubt. A fool? I think not.
Bono, The Baldwins, Springsteen, Mellencamp, Mr. Cosby, Whoppi,
The Sheens, Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore,
The Dixie Chicks, Rosie O Donnel, Brad Pitt and Angelina,
Jane Fonda, as well as a myriad host of others.
These "risk" their careers to exercise "their" mouths right to speak
"their" hearts message.
I sincerely believe it "was not" Jane Fonda's desire to be "unpatriotic"
or "treasoness". simply, it was "her" means to illustrate "her"
compassion and zeal to save lives; lives on both sides of an "ugly war"!
The right to speak ones mind without fear of retribution or demise, is
but one of "our freedoms". However, protection from ridicule is
not promised for speaking ones mind. It is the fear of ridicule that
lashes the tounges of some of us ; I dare say many of us. To those
who fear the ridicule; though the pill may be bitter for a time, perhaps
in some cases a long time; the benefits of your bravery may
tremendously alter the future for the good of many.
Surely one needs to intently listen to the hammering on the typani
membrane of "ones" own tounge being ever aware of 'it's' awesome
destuctive power.
How many tears have flowed from our eyes because of the sensitive,
powerful portrayals of humanity, these we call "actors' have given to us?
This is called the understanding of passion.
How much laughter created by these we call "comedians", has been
extracted from our gut, while at the same time illustrating how imperfect
we may be!
this is called genius.
How much light has been shed upon the darkness by documentary"s,
given and shared with us by those we call "producers"?
This is the expression of concern for fellow humans.
Let us not forget our poets, writers and musicians as they speak and
sing of the beautiful and the ugly, the happy and the sad, of love and hate,
of life and death, of then and now and all of the terrible or wonderful
possibilities of what may be.
This is is the expression of understanding and wisdom.
And "YOU" ask the question "why should we listen to them"?!
Oh, to have one of these "famous ones" attend a charity function or
private party at "OUR" request, thereby honoring "US",;
Look who's here with "US", "WE" have a celebrity amongst "US";
Just look at "US" now!
We must certify the real reason we celebrate "these people";
The simple truth, David Burn is quite right; "they are just like us";
Therefore we should treat them as "WE" wish to be treated with
respect,with courtesy, with dignity, with understanding,
with compassion and with kindness.
What more can be said except for maybe, who am I and
why should you listen to me?
I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
I'm not seeking
fortune and fame;
I'm just trying to help...
alleviate pain.
The words I speak
are from the doves beak;
always to be true,
though sometimes bleak.
Some of my words may seem
hard like a rock;
still they pass not from
the beak of a hawk.
Very hard I'll try to
help my fellow man;
Tiz against corruption,
strife and hunger,
I will take my stand.
Keep me free from hypocrisy.
To the reader,
I have some values and principles; also
some views and opinions.
The latter, I feel need to be heard for
whatever the reasons!
The content of my writing, is more
commentary and fixed in opinion;
and at this time I open myself to your
critique, either pro or con.
I feel compelled to write my heart for
various different reasons, of which two
stand out ahead of others:
1. I am angry as hell at the hypocrisy
I am forced to live under and so too;
my heart is sorely afflicted and full of
the puss of injustice.
2. Being a socially oriented human, I feel an
obligation to my fellow human in this manner;
If any need should arise and if there be
any way I am able to help.......I should do so.
By writing I hope to help expose situations
from "my" point of view and thus
stir up debate.
This debate is intended to help rectify or
correct that which may need
rectification or correction.
I do not claim to be grossly illiterate nor
do I claim to be well educated.
You will find much of my work is not dated,
however the issues themselves may interpret
the time of script.
Much of my work has been previously written;
sometimes many years prior to publishing.
My writing skills at best, are obviously minimal
and I wish you to please overlook my
grammatical errors; however
feel free to (as I know you will) trounce me
for what I believe and purport to be.
By the way, being perfect is not something
I purport to be.
As I sit and consider these words that I
have spoken; I begin to ponder a space full
of a thick, pasty substance matter known as
As I stare into the mirror of "my history" ,
I intently study my past works of
dissent against the truth.
These unjust works brightly glare back at me
as a hot flaming fire.
It is when I gaze at these revealing images,
that I become singed, stunned and transfixed
by "my" errors.
How selfish and arrogant I was.
"for in me lies no good thing" someone once said!
It is by this realization I conclude;
that I am not worthy to speak "for the people".
Therefore I will speak "for myself" with hopes,
that if any "goodness or prosperity of spirit"
come of it, that I would feel more whole as
a social human being, by being able to share
that which I have been given.
I do my best to defeat EGO and can only hope
that somewhere, somehow, I didn't get
blindsided and I am actually feeding a monster,
rather than keeping it at bay.
That would be "pretty lost" huh!
I believe my compulsion to write is more
driven by my intent to assist, rather than my
need to vent my admitted frustrations.
With this being stated, I consider the time I
spend writing as being sacrificed, rather
than stolen; even though the time spent writing
could be spent enjoying my true passions in life.
I feel my obligation to my fellow human
is more important than any other passion
and therefore,
I must or should act accordingly.
As a only one voice of a great choir, I pray that
your eyes be opened and that you not only
see the truth, but also accept it.
You might pray for me,
that I hold true to my faith.
I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!
Friday, November 14, 2008
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