Monday, November 24, 2008

.......IN PASSING......

After 226 years, 7 months and 15 days of life;
On March 19th, 2003, at 7:12pm est.: America....."The Beautiful" died.

The World watched with shock and awe, as her assisted suicide was
wrought, at the hand of her commander in chief....G.W.(Long Shanks) Bush.

Though "she" was conceived and born through much travail and
aggression, "her" wonderful precepts of freedom, justice and liberty for all,
were made tangible by the signing of:

The Declaration Of Independence
The U.S. Constitution
The Bill Of Rights

For 226 years, generations of "her" citizens, many of whom;
ruined and sacrificed their lives defending her glorious precepts;
strove forward through time, with hope and purpose;
based upon one important belief:


Of Americas Wars there have been many:
The Wars with the Native Peoples of "Her" Borders,
The American Revolutionary War, The War of 1812, The Civil War,
The Spanish American War, the Mexican War,
World War I, World War II, The Korean War, The Viet Nam War,
The "Cold War" , The War in Grenada, The Gulf War; "Iraq",
The War in Bosnia, The War in Afganistan, and now again,
The War in "Iraq": "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

It is by this device, "Operation Iraqi Freedom" that "SHE",
America...."The Beautiful" has perished.

By becoming the"First Strike Agressor",
America....."The Beautiful" gave up the ghost and passed into infamy.

Many of the World, long believing in "her" shinning precepts of
Freedom and Democracy, took example and followed suit,
to hopefully attain the same great rewards.

Now, these many mourn at "her" passing and so they should;
for at her last gasp, "she" took with "her" to the grave, peace.

Oh peace, most beautiful peace;
you too are gone from the earth.

Will you ever visit us again?
Come back to us please, we beg of you.

At this solemn moment;
one wishes to deny the truth, saying "NO" this is not possible:
for one says, I have seen "her" here and
yet another says; I have seen "her" there!
But these are lies based upon futile hope. Believe it not,
for: "She" is gone......"She" has passed......"She" is not.

To those of you who contributed to "her" demise;
your guilt is obvious, your sentence "I" can not pass.

To those of you who tried desperately to save "her", though in vain;
I salute you.

It is now time to say goodbye:

So bye, bye Miss American pie;
drove their Humvee's to the desert,
in the desert they died.

and good "ole" boys were drinking whiskey and rye;
as the bombs fell down through the sky;
as the bombs fell down "she" died.

Now, the stench of "her" rotting carcase offends the nostrills of all the world.

On that terrible day, March 19th, 2003, that which made America "Beautiful";
"her" righteous heart;.......quit beating......and "her" soul now lay in the ashes.

Whether "her" spirit can rise up from the ashes like
the mythical creature Phoenix, remains to be seen.

These are words I have been given, are they;
more than sentiment, or mere opinion?


I am FranCisco d Nostromo I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

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