Monday, February 9, 2009


To the reader,

please go to "older posts" and begin with

#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS then sequentially #2., #3., etc.


There is a "double jeopardy factor" applied to
those citizens who are cited
for traffic violations
in construction
zones and in school zones; thus
putting a new spin on the old adage
"you should have known better"!

It appears the states, counties and cities believe
a driver should have more
respect for construction
workers and students and they may have it right!

I am in "no" contention with this policy, as
I believe that by doubling the
fines; lives may be and
most probably have already been saved.

If this practice is constitutional, I believe this same type
of punishment or
"corrective measure" should also be
applied to another important issue;
this being,
governmental agencies and law enforcement agencies,
specifically including any and all who swear on oath:
to protect and serve and uphold the U.S. Constitution.

Corrupt government corrupts the society it serves;
though the society
wishes not to be corrupted or used,
abused and preyed upon, it will be
and has been the
fodder for many; especially by law enforcement agencies
and their perspective authorities, these being:
the municipalities, cities, counties, states and
federal agencies.

Currently there is a disgusting, over bearing stench
of arrogance emitting from
the law enforcement communities of this country.

The main odor offending the olfactory nerves of
the public in general is;
"they" the law enforcement communities feel "they" are
"above the law";

the very same law they have sworn an oath to uphold!

At one time in this country, the general public had a
much higher level of
respect for their police;
those who swore to protect and serve them,
"the people".

Presently there is a high level of disrespect!

Cause and effect.

Before law enforcement can enforce the law, "THEY"
should have a complete knowledge and understanding
of the law; especially law pertaining to CIVIL RIGHTS!

This knowledge of the law is part of the basic training
and requirements
of a police academy graduation;
or so it should be.

For an officer of the law to claim ignorance of the law
would be ridiculous,
but yet this happens every single day.

It is not ignorance of the law by which those who
swore an oath to uphold the law, break the law;
it is by arrogant hypocrisy the dirty deed is done!

If those of the general public lose confidence in those
who swore an oath
to protect them;
a "lack of trust attitude" could in essence be reflected
from the people.

I believe trust in law enforcement agencies and
their personnel is essential to the well being and
security of a community and or a nation.

If this statement holds true, the importance of;
"perfect conduct" in upholding the law becomes


I also sincerely believe this arrogance I speak of,
stems from a prejudice
of law enforcement personnel
in general, this being;
that "they" believe,
"they" are better than those they serve,

with serve being the key word.

Any and every one who is a government employee
is exactly this; "a servant to the people"...period!

Most certainly "they" are not above the law.

Being given a badge of authority over your fellow
citizens, implies
faith and trust in your ability to:
protect and serve their righteous needs;
it absolutely does not give warrant to separatism.

The violating of a law by an "ordinary citizen" ;
(I say ordinary in
comparison to a
"government employee citizen"), prompts the society

through the judicial system to push, prod, demand
and coheres the
offender to comply and conform to
the law our society has deemed
to be the better way.

The degree of force applied by society on the
convicted offender, is
intended to be the tool or
by which the the breach
of law is repaired;
hopefully equitably.

I say equitably, for in some instances there is an
unfair burden
applied against the offender and yes,
sometimes not a heavy enough
burden is issued.

In the cases of convicted law enforcement and
government personnel
offenders, "their" sentencing
burdens are usually lessor in weight than

that of the "ordinary citizens", or so it appears!

Why is this?

These law enforcement and government personnel
are supposed to
know the law, especially those in
law enforcement.

Why should "these" get lessor penalties?

Should "these" not have to pay a greater fee for the
breaching of the laws
"they" have sworn to uphold?

I say yes!

I believe "they" law enforcement and government
employees, should
"pay double fines and double time"
for their offence against the laws
have sworn to uphold.


Because "they" are in a "higher position of trust"!

Perhaps the doubling up of the sentencing guidelines
to those who have
sworn an oath to protect and serve,
will help alter and curb this insidious threat to
the peace,
security and civil rights of many of our citizens.

I now propose "A Bill" to create a law, to:
"double the fines and time"
to those who
have sworn an oath,
"to protect and serve and also,
to uphold The Constitution".
who then become convicted offenders
by any court adjudication.

Who among you will sponsor this bill?

I am FranCisco d' Nostromo
I have spoken
I will speak again.

It's your turn now!

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