Tuesday, March 3, 2009

#30. "EVENT 91101"/ WHY RIDGE?

To the reader,
please go to "older blogs" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS, then sequentially #2., #3., etc.

#30. "EVENT 91101"/ WHY RIDGE?

Why is it, the former governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge, was
chosen to be "the" director of Homeland Security?

Remember, this was an office that did not actually exist until very
shortly after "Event 91101", THE PRESIDENT, George W. Bush
created or, brought forth to light this "new" agency!

The question arises; "was this agency planned before Event 91101"?

At that time, in essence, President Bush said to
"the people of Pennsylvania":
Tom Ridge, is now "not" the Governor of Pennsylvania;
Tom Ridge is now The Director of Homeland Security!

Who gave permission to the President to create a new office?

How is a new office of the United States created?

Does one "speak the word" and "it is"; or does one suggest,
propose, or offer the idea of a new office to Congress and
the American people?

Tom Ridge was the presiding Governor of Pennsylvania,
specifically chosen by "the people of Pennsylvania",
for "the people and purpose of Pennsylvania"a separate State!

How is it a President can "over ride" the voice of the people?

The people of Pennsylvania "did not" elect the Lt. Governor to
be "The Governor"; they "the people" chose Tom Ridge!

They "the people", basically had "their choice" stolen
away from them!

Oh yes of course the job was "offered" to Tom Ridge and "HE"
took it; and yes "HE" could have denied the position but
he did not and consequently, left "the people" who chose "him"
to run and hopefully prosper "their state" shaking their heads.

It seems to me , if a person runs for "a office" and is elected to
that office by the "will of the people"; then that person shall
stay in that office until either:
they are legally removed from the office by "the people" for
a crime against "the people or the States Constitution",
or "proved incompetence",
or they suffer from ill health and cannot maintain the office,
or they outright resign the office because "they" do not want
the "job responsibility" any longer. PERIOD

"They" should not ; be able to leave "their position" or "post" to
take "any other government position, again PERIOD.

"They", who were "elected" should be "made to follow through"
with their commitment to the people who elected them!

Consider this; much of tax payer time and monies were spent on
the election process and lest we be called "unfair", let us
not forget to mention the "other candidates" who also wanted
the position, but could not have the position, because "they"
were bested by the winning candidate, who now decides "they" no
longer want the position because of "greener pastures" or
"what ever" and leaves!

Perhaps "the losing candidate(s)" might actually have been
"the winning candidate" if the candidate "who actually won",
had not even run, cause "they" decided "they" really didn't want
the job in the first place.

Such is politics right......or maybe a well thought out and
deliberate "political chess move"....quite possibly a great way to
progress a much greater hidden agenda!

Back to the questions;
Why Tom Ridge?
Why a presiding governor?
Why not someone else, someone else "not already obligated"?

Why choose Tom Ridge to oversee not just a security office but
a security office of "major concerns", when Tom Ridge had little
or NO experience in security?

Why Tom Ridge?

Why the presiding Governor of Pennsylvania?

It is a little ironic, that "Flight 93" went down in Pennsylvania,
that's right Pennsylvania and "yes" there is and has been major
questions and controversy concerning "how", "why" and even "if"
the plane fell from the sky.

Why Tom Ridge?

Today March 2
nd, 2004, is the second anniversary of the
installation of "The Office Of Homeland Security".

Today President Bush stated the reason he chose Tom Ridge was;
"Tom Ridge had management and assessment abilities".

Like no other person in this country had management and
assessment abilities!

Like no other person in this country could have performed
this task.

I wonder; do you?

I hope so!

Obviously this script was written 5 years ago and yes;
I still wonder!

Now 5 years later, It is President Obama who is asking presiding
Governors to give up State Seats, to take up Federal Seats.

I am Fran
Cisco d Nostromo
I have spoken and I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

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