Tuesday, March 10, 2009


To the reader, please go to
"older posts" and begin with
#1. EVEPLEBEODIOUS. then sequentially #2., #3., etc.


The states now receive huge sums of revenue from tax on
cigarettes, cigars, chew, smokeless tobacco, liquor, wine and beer.

Now is an understatement!

They, the states governments have been gleaning billions of dollars from

these taxes and stuffing this cash into their many bottomless pit pockets for
over 70 years!

If this is not enough, which it apparently isn't, now these
same states that have sucked the blood of the people through
and by this tax mechanism, are now attempting, and in some

cases have already been quite successful, in suing the tobacco industry
for a bigger slice of this bitter sweet money pie;
while I might add they still continue to receive the tax on
these "alleged killers"!

The question might be asked; just what do "they", the states,

do with this money?

Did "they" use this tax windfall
to produce:
anti-smoking advertisements and educational forums?

I don't think so.

It seems the anti-smoking advertisements and educational
productions began "after " they " the states started winning
the suits against "their sugar daddy" tobacco companies!

In either aspect it all appears a little

Maybe it's just me and my mis-understanding.

The states main claim against the tobacco industry is:

The states say , they have to
"cough up" (no pun intended) the
payment for lung cancer and related illness born through
smoking and chewing tobacco products.

Please don't get me wrong;

Although I know smoking tobacco products is absolutely a killer;
it is not the tobacco at fault, it is
those who smoke and those
who support, promote and
ALL who profit from tobacco.

Of course we all know it is
"tobacco companies",
share holders" and "their employees" who reap
the most profit and thus should also be awarded
special fault;
and yes of course because of any deception, the
special awards should be squared.

Let us not forget the health care industry in general!
Oops I amolst forgot; The Mortuaries and the Cemetaries!

As it is said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that
applying heat to something designed to cool will ultimately cause
failure to some degree. Now add many destructive chemicals to
the mix and what do you get; total failure.

It just seems to be, on the part of the states, such a great farce!

How can the states justify their actions?

Shouldn't the states, since they have a share in the profits,

also claim
"their share" of the responsibility and the guilt?

But NO; instead the states claim
"they" have been fouled!

Imagine that!

Also, these same states are trying to limit the amount of monies
to those who have been adversely affected through either
illicit or improper activities such as, fraud or malpractice.

The "Frivolous Law Suit" controversy is a hot topic these days
with many Law makers and Lobbyists.

Those who have been or might become injured by corporations,
doctors, hospitals and the like, are being told:

If you are injured, even if those that harmed you,

the defendants; get the asses severely kicked in court;
We, "the states" shall determine the "cap limit" you
may be awarded and that's that; and
even if you lost both of your arms because of your
"unfortunate experience" because of a faulty product

the answer is:
NO; "WE" won't come and help you wipe your ass and
Oh by the way, you just bought a pack of cigarettes,
thanks for paying your our tax!

"OUR" social system has become quite beastly;
no matter how many "time outs" we take.

Those that terribly injure others will have to pay a

minimal responsibility tab for "their so called errors",
no matter how much suffering those who were injured
shall have to endure!

Who stands to gain most from a system operated in this fashion?

Now switching tracks but still the same destination.

Northern California, July 14th, 1991 / You might recall;
Southern Pacific Railroad dropped a tanker car full to brim,
with 19,000 gallons of a bio-cide called

Metam Sodium (Vapam),
into an uppermost part of The Upper Sacramento River,

at a loop bridge called Cantarra;
consequently killing 45 miles of the river.

Everything in the river, plant or animal died. The plant life along
the river and the animal life that drank from the river died;
birds, bears, deer, squirrels, etc, died.

Even insects and earthworms died and disappeared as a result of
the huge cloud of toxic fumes created from the
8 gallons of water /1 gallon of chemical (poison) mix ratio.

Lets do the math:
8 x 19,000=152,000
That's 152,000 gallons of an extremely deadly poison

dumped into the river.

Another way to view or imagine this event, would be to take
8 of those 19,000 gallon tanker cars "full of raid" and

then dump them off the bridge!

This shit was so bad, it was reported by some of the first
responders that the beautiful rainbow trout were

jumping out of the water, onto the banks trying to escape
the angel of death that was invading their habitat.

This story is so deep, that in the future I intend to write a more
in depth account entitled "QUAKE AT CANTARRA".

It was at around this time the
"frivolous lawsuit" controversy
was in it's infancy, but even then it was a
very hot topic in California.

California, Oh California,

what a ravenous monster you are!
Fed daily by your corporate suitors,

you are their shining star.

Back to the "Cantarra Spill" as it was called.

Why yes of course a lawsuit was filed and a massive one at that,
with over 3,000 personal injury plaintiffs that would become
"class plaintiffs" in what I was told was the first major
"personal injury class action" law suit for California.

If this wasn't enough, there was a "business class" added
and then a "evacuation class" and finally

a "property owner class".

Four (4) major classes all stemming from one action.

This was definitely a first for California.

I must also mention the State of California also filed

"their own" suit against Southern Pacific.

After only 3 years of battle in court,

the "four classes" simultaneously settled!

These were mainly the people of: Mt. Shasta City, Dunsmuir,
Castella and Lakehead; the same people who lived, worked,
played, had businesses and raised their children in and around
these affected areas.

$15 million was the final settlement figure.

After deducting the

MANY Law firms take of about $6 million,

leaving the people the balance of about $9 million;
Remember, these are the ones who:

actually breathed for days the poisonous fumes and got sick,
the ones who in some cases unexpectedly lost loved ones,
the ones who lost their businesses,
the ones who were called "guinea pigs".
(cause no one knew the future effects of the chemical exposure)

The State of California:

also settled "their suit" against SP for the grand total of:
not 10, not 20, not 30 but $42 million!

That's $27 million more than those who
directly and personally affected by the actual assault!
( actually the sum would be $33 million more if you
discounted the lawyers take!)

California, Oh California,

what a ravenous monster you are!

I am sure Siskiou County who stated publicly:
"they had a great working relationship with SP

and would not file suit" got" their fare share"!

Though there were some;
"implied criminal actions by SP noted",
no prosecution of the law was pursued.

Recently, I became aware of a new element
concerning The Cantarra Spill; one that implies that:
after "the initial
incident of derailment",
SP "intentionally dropped" the hanging tanker car
into the river, with specific intention.
Of which I "shall not" state at this time,
however this needs be and shall be examined further.

Just for the record;

I always believed
"punitive damages" needed to be applied.
Just ask Judge Pollack!

Now back to the other track.

Though this law suit did not set a cap on the amount of award,
this example clearly illustrates:
"what is good for the goose

is not good for the gander"!

"they" the states governments want to tell you and me
how much our lives are worth!

Just who do
"these people" think they are anyway?

Really, who are

Well, they are: your friends, your neighbors, your family members;
"they" are those who work for the states and receive the many
benefits such as the great wages, the many vacation days with pay
and the great health insurance packages, etc.

"These" are quite simply and without becoming too derogatory,
"all government employees".

There actually is a
"We" and a "They"!

Is it up to
"We" to keep "They" in line,
or is it up to "They" to keep "We" in line,
or is it "Me" to keep "Me" in line and
just exactly where is the line anyway?

I don't seem to know do I?

But this I do know:
corporation can be four letter word- "CORP" and

it appears to me that The States seem to want to protect
the Corporations more than "We the people they serve",
yes I know
"The States" also serve the Corporations just needs,
but you get my point; don't you?

Or do you really?

If you take a closer look;
The States
actually appear to work more like Corporations;
take, take, take and give as little as possible!

So what about the limits?

How about we limit

The States and Federal governments?

Oh no!

Don't even think about limiting these monsters appetites.

That is, unless we collectively get off our asses and
with unity, peacefully with our immensely strong voice
stand up against them.

I am FranCisco d' Nostromo
I have spoken

I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only problem is they have succeeded in dividing us. Divide and conquer. There are so many different groups or factions in society and they all disagree with each other. Until we can get everyone to realize it's not left vs right, its them vs us. Unite or suffer genocide. Unfortunately people only know what they've been told. Public education does not teach the history of genocide. There is no critical thinking. Just follow your favorite group. Listen to your favorite talking head. I enjoyed reading, thanks.