Wednesday, August 19, 2009

#35. "WAR SHIP"

Once a war ship steered I for the Navy
so brutal she was you don't know.
True and sure on course did I keep her steady,
as she plied through the seas down below.

She served her war lords ill dark purpose,
allowing "they" to take "their task" to the sky.
Her cargo so cold and so very lethal;
loosed from wings that did fly from on high.

Darkest death and dire destruction,
tainting bloody red the froth of her wake.
Killing so many and wounding much more
for what...and just for who's sake?

Though I did not release the demons;
the bombs my hands they surely did touch.
For this "I" be still quite guilty
of the blood helped be shed by "us".

I do repent and "I know" I'm forgiven,
for being a foolish and selfish bad man.
Now I seek only truth and tranquility,
and peace and joy for my fellow man.

Once a war ship steered I for the Navy,
her brutal work done by these hands of mine.
True and sure on course did I keep her steady,
as she mercilessly plied through "their time".
as she mercilessly plied through "their time".
as she mercilessly plied through "their time".

"Oh how long shall they kill our prophets
while we stand aside and just look.
some say it's just a part of it
we've got to fulfill the book.

So won't please you help me sing
these songs of our freedom
there are all we ever have
redemption songs...redemption songs".
they are all we ever shall have,
they are all we ever shall need. FCdN

Thank You Bob Marley

Well now
I thank you dearly
Mr, Bob Marley
and I hope this finds you
safe and secure.

There are many things
through your song
you did give us and
the main of these is..
of his love.

Soon enough all of us
will surely be knowing
what we have been
striving here for.

Redemption song,
Redemption song(pause)

The redemption song of
God's love........
is so sweet, deep and pure;
and on this.....
I'm standing sure.

I am FranCisco d Nostromo
I have spoken.
I will speak again.
It's your turn now!

1 comment:

Occupy Everything Ellis said...

Very Beautiful brother, hopefully the Revolution will not cause us to loose too many of our comrades. But it is inevitable, this is true. It's a sad thing, the system has to be this way, a very sad thing indeed. But the hope of the future, oh it is so bright, more then anyone could know. We have a chance to set ourselves free, throw away mental slavery and its false shackles, spread peace and prosperity to our brothers, and most importantly live, happily. Once things are resolved, someday.